A California newspaper with a daily readership of 1.5
million this week thrashed the field of stem cell science, declaring that it “is
slathered with so much money that immoderate predictions of success are common.”
“Infected with hype” is the way the headline put it on the March 31 piece in the Los Angeles Times. The paper has the largest circulation in the
state and is an agenda-setter for much of the state’s mainstream media.
comments came in an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning
columnist and author
Michael Hiltzik, who holds the California stem cell agency
in low regard.
Kalina Kamenova U. of Alberta photo |
Timothy Caulfield U. of Alberta photo |
His starting point was a study in
Science Translational
Medicine by
Timothy Caulfield and
Kalina Kamenova of the
University of Alberta
law school. Their content analysis
research focused primarily on newspaper coverage of timelines for stem cell
therapies before and after
Geron bailed out of the first clinical trial for a
human embryonic therapy in the United States. They did not have warm words for
scientists as public communicators.
Neither did Hiltzik, but he also faulted the media. He wrote,
“The authors mostly blame the scientists, who need to
be more aware of ‘the importance of conveying realistic ... timelines to the
popular press.’ We wouldn't give journalists this much of a pass; writers on
scientific topics should understand that the development of drugs and therapies
can take years and involve myriad dry holes and dead ends. They should be
vigilant against gaudy promises.”
Hiltzik then took on the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the stem cell agency is known. He wrote about the cash that was "slathered" about. He said,
“The best illustration of that comes from California's stem
cell program -- CIRM, or the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine -- a $6-billion public investment (including interest) that
was born in hype.
“The promoters of Proposition 71, the 2004 ballot initiative
that created CIRM, filled the airwaves with ads implying that the
only thing standing between Michael J. Fox being cured of Parkinson's or Christopher
Reeve walking again was Prop. 71's money. They commissioned a study asserting that California
might reap a windfall in taxes, royalties and healthcare savings up to
seven times the size of its $6-billion investment.
One wouldn't build a storage shed on foundations this soft, much less a
$6-billion mansion.”
Caulfield’s views on stem cell hype
are well-known in the
small stem cell research community. But rarely does his sort of perspective,
which is
shared by others in the field, reach a mass audience such as the 1.5
million readers of the Los Angeles Times.
All of which poses a challenge for the California stem cell
agency whose finite amount of cash is now expected to run out in 2020. As
Hiltzik noted, the overblown expectations led voters to believe that miraculous
cures were just around the corner.
Today, more than a decade after creation of the agency, the
promised cures have not materialized and none are likely for some years. The agency
has undoubtedly made a major contribution to stem cell science. But the unfulfilled
promises of the campaign hype gave its foes the kind of tools they need to battle
any efforts to provide more state funding for the agency. How CIRM deals with that scientific and PR
challenge will be one of the major tests for it over the next several years.