The $3 billion California stem cell agency on Thursday is
expected to put to rest its oldest grant program – an effort that was begun
with bravado in 2005 but minus the cash to back it.
It was a matter -- at the time -- of showing the Golden State’s
stem cell flag despite legal challenges that had stalled the progress of the
agency. The grants were the agency’s first
and came on a late summer day in Sacramento during a governing board meeting
marked by confusion and frustration.
David Baltimore
PasadenaNow photo |
Board members complained they did not have enough
information to make good judgments on the awards.
Nobel Prize winner
David Baltimore, a board member and president of
Caltech, objected to what he
considered loose standards in evaluating the applications for millions of
At one point, a crusty reporter from
The Associated Press,
Paul Elias, jumped up and demanded to know exactly what was going on.
“CIRM Hands Out $39 Million (sort of)….”
The awards created a training program for stem cell scientists.
It was aimed at attracting more researchers into a field that was atrophying
because of the Bush administration’s restrictions on stem cell research
Without adequate financial resources, the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the agency is formally known,
appealed to the recipient institutions to advance the funds with the
expectation they would be reimbursed later.
Zach Hall, who was appointed president of the agency the
same day, called the awards “historic.”
Robert Klein, the chairman of the CIRM
said he was thrilled by the program.
One of the major goals of the board action was to show that the
agency and that its tiny staff (something less than 20) was still kicking despite the legal dispute that
blocked issuance of the bonds that provide funding for the agency.
In that regard, CIRM was more than successful. The meeting was well-covered by major
newspapers in the state, a far cry from the situation today. The message in the
stories was largely favorable. The California Stem Cell Report
wrote on Sept.11, 2005,
“Subordinated was the reality that the agency does not yet
have the money. Even more deeply subordinated were complaints about the grant
process from critics.”
The initial awards ultimately grew into a nine-year, $131
million effort. In a Jan. 20 memo to the CIRM board, the agency’s current
president, Randy Mills, said,
“The programs have trained 859 CIRM Scholars. These trainees
have worked in 436 different laboratories on a broad range of research
projects, with the majority focused on basic research. CIRM Scholars have been
authors on 887 scientific publications.”
The average cost for each “scholar” was about $152,000,
Mills reported. The California Stem Cell Report calculated an average expense
of about $148,000 for each scientific article, although such articles usually
have more than one author. Mills said 34 percent of the recipients were
graduate students, 48 percent post-doctoral and 18 percent clinical fellows.
Not noted by Mills was the fact that nearly all the awards
went to institutions linked to members of the agency’s governing board. Virtually no other institutions existed, however, in California that could provide the training.
In December 2013, the board asked the agency staff to
prepare a new version of the training program, a task that was not completed before
the board hired Mills last spring.
In his memo last week, Mills said that “the CIRM team
determined that a new training grant program is no longer an optimal method of
supporting the education and training of stem cell scientists.” He continued,
“CIRM believes that supporting the training of new stem cell
scientists is best accomplished by bolstering funding for our research grants
programs, particularly the earlier discovery and translational phases where
each program can be individually evaluated for its merit and contribution to
CIRM’s mission.”
Mills said he will present concept plans for new discovery
and translation rounds, including training within them, during the next six
months. And he asked the board to approve his recommendation to drop the plans continue
the old, once-hailed training program.