Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another $22 Million to Go to 17 California Stem Cell Research Institutions

Directors of the California stem cell agency today approved a $22 million extension of the $50 million shared lab program that was scheduled to expire in 2012.

CIRM said the programs at 17 research institutions are a "valuable resource." A CIRM memo declared,
"These labs provide dedicated (safe harbor) research space, specialized instrumentation, a supply of cell lines and culture materials, and stem cell expertise. Additionally, they supply instruction and training in cutting-edge methods both as formally offered courses and one-on-one, customized instruction. This training function extends to the CIRM Bridges programs that rely on the Shared Labs to provide basic stem cell techniques courses for Bridges trainees. Furthermore, the Shared Labs serve as foci for collaboration, networking, and information exchange for stem cell research communities at the various institutions."
CIRM staff said CIRM funds cover about 20 to 25 percent of the cost of running the labs.

Duane Roth, a San Diego businessman and co-vice chairman of the CIRM board, raised a question about whether the productivity of each shared lab was evaluated as part of the proposal. The answer was no. Subsequently, the board directed the staff to provide such evaluations in the future.

Roth noted that CIRM's external review panel has recommended that the agency should focus on funding only the best programs.

The CIRM board has 29 members but only eight in attendance today could vote on the extension. The others had connections to the grant recipients that created a legal conflict of interest.

CIRM Directors Begin Business Meeting

Directors of the California stem cell agency have settled into their business session with action scheduled today on approval of a once-rejected $1.8 million grant by a UCLA researcher and a closed-door meeting on CIRM's first-ever involvement in clinical trials, a $50 million loan round for stem cell companies. Geron and Advanced Cell Technology are likely to be among the applicants. 

CIRM Directors Begin Business Meeting

Directors of the California stem cell agency have settled into their business session with action scheduled today on approval a once-rejected $1.8 million grant by a UCLA researcher and a closed-door meeting on CIRM's first-ever involvement in clinical trials, a $50 million loan round for stem cell companies. Geron and Advanced Cell Technology are likely to be among the applicants. 

CIRM Chair Should Back Away from Management Role, Says Top State Official

The board of the $3 billion California stem cell agency should direct its chairman to step aside from management of the organization and concentrate on oversight, it was told this morning.

In remarks prepared for delivery at the directors' meeting in Burlingame, Ruth Holton-Hodson, a representative of California's top fiscal officer, said,
"Frankly, it is difficult to uphold the appearance of accountability and objectivity when the board chair is involved in both management and oversight of CIRM's operations. Under the current model, the chair is essentially responsible for evaluating and approving much of his own work."
Holton-Hodson, deputy state controller, spoke on behalf of state Controller John Chiang. He is one of four statewide elected officials who can nominate candidates for chair of CIRM. He is also chair of the only state body charged specifically with financial oversight of the stem cell agency.

Holton-Hodson reiterated a number of points made by Chiang in his letter to the board yesterday. She said,
"It is also important to keep in mind that the chair is but one member of the ICOC Governing Board(the CIRM board of directors). Good governance must rely on the actions of the whole board, not a single member. As CIRM moves into the next phase, it is important that it be driven by a fully engaged oversight board, rather than a single individual, regardless of how talented that individual may be.

"As the Controller stated in his letter, CalPERS and CalSTRS (the state's mammoth retirement systems) both have a policy of voting in support of shareholder resolutions that separate the chair and the CEO of corporate boards because board independence is at the heart of effective governance and accountability. The public deserves no less from publicly-funded agencies and undoubtedly thought that independent oversight is what they would be getting from a body named the Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee(the formal name of the CIRM governing board)."
Later today the board is expected to discuss the selection of a person to replace Robert Klein, whose term has expired as chair.

Stem Cell Directors Conclude Cardiovascular Session

The briefing on cardiovascular disease for directors of the California stem cell agency has concluded. The governing board  is expected to convene shortly to deal with other matters, ranging from selection of a new chair to a $125,000 program to send patient advocates to the World Stem Cell Stem Summit in Pasadena.

CIRM Directors Begin Meeting Today

Directors of the California stem cell agency have begun their session today with a briefing on cardiovascular disease. The actual business meeting will probably begin in roughly 45 minutes although the agenda had called for a start time of 9 a.m. PST.

The meeting can be heard via an Internet audiocast. Instructions for the audiocast can be found on the agenda. The California Stem Cell Report will provide ongoing reports today on the meeting as warranted.

Upcoming Coverage this Morning of CIRM Board Meeting

We plan to bring our readers live coverage of the meeting today of the board of the California stem cell agency, assuming our Internet connection from Nicaragua holds up. The board is expected to discuss the selection of a new chair and the agency's response to recommendations for closer ties to industry and aggressive outreach for promising research outside of California. Readers can listen to an Internet audiocast of the session, which is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. PST. Directions for the audiocast can be found on the agenda.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Dual Execs at CIRM Severely Weaken Oversight, CIRM Directors Told

California's top fiscal officer today called on directors of the state's $3 billion stem cell agency to overhaul the role of its chairman, declaring that oversight of the enterprise is "severely compromised" when the chair is part of management.

In a letter to the 29 members of the CIRM board of directors, State Controller John Chiang said,
"It is difficult to uphold the appearance of accountability and objectivity when the board chair is involved in both management and oversight of CIRM's operations. In essence, under the current co-executive model, the chair is responsible for evaluating much of the work of the chair."
CIRM directors meet tomorrow in Burlingame to discuss the selection of a new chair to replace Robert Klein, who is its first and only chairman. Proposition 71, written by Klein and a handful of associates, legally gives the chair overlapping responsibilities with the president, a situation that has created friction in the past. Klein has additionally reached deep into the organization to deal with relatively minor matters.

Chiang said,
"The (directors') most important role – to provide independent oversight of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine management – is severely compromised when that management includes the (board) chair."
Chiang, a Democrat, is one of four state elected officials who can nominate candidates for chair of CIRM. Chiang is also the head of the only governmental entity specifically charged with financial oversight of the agency. Last fall Chiang nominated Art Torres, co-vice chair of CIRM, to replace Klein, whose term has expired. Torres declined to run following a flap that arose when Klein tried to engineer the selection of his successor.

Chiang noted that principles of good corporate governance call for boards to "be objective and distinct from management."

Chiang continued,
"I understand that part of the concern in moving to an oversight function from the co-executive model is the need for the chair to have expertise in certain areas as bond finance or the process of moving research to commercialization. Corporations and public agencies throughout the nation hire that expertise rather than rely on the chair."
A representative from the controller's office is expected to appear before the CIRM board at its meeting in Burlingame tomorrow. Remote locations in Irvine and two in Los Angeles are available where the public can participate in the meeting. Specific addresses can be found on the agenda. Instructions for listening to the Internet audiocast also can be found on the agenda.

(Ron Leuty of the San Francisco Business Times has also written about Chiang's letter. Leuty's article can be found here.)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

California Stem Cell Agency Ventures into Publishing

The California stem cell agency appears ready to partner with the AlphaMed Press of North Carolina to start a new scientific journal dealing with stem cell research and efforts to translate the findings into clinical treatments.

CIRM's venture into publishing comes amid a proliferation of new journals devoted to stem cell research.

CIRM plans to commit $600,000 over a three-year period to kick off the new publication, which would be edited by Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

In a memo to the CIRM board, agency president Alan Trounson said competing proposals from Elsevier, one of the larger scientific publishers in the world, and the International Society for Stem Cell Research, were not as good as that offered by AlphaMed, which has published the "Stem Cells" journal for 29 years.

Trounson is currently listed on the AlphaMed web site as a member of its editorial board. Don Gibbons, chief communications officer for CIRM, said in January, however, that Trounson had resigned from the panel.

In an email, Gibbons said,
"Alan has been an editorial board member at 'Cell Stem Cell' and 'Stem Cell.' His role was to peer review articles submitted for publication. He did not receive compensation, expense reimbursement, travel, or any other form of payment from either publisher. There is no conflict of interest under CIRM or state rules. When these two publishers submitted proposals, however, Alan decided to (and did) resign from the editorial boards."
AlphaMed's editorial board also includes a number of CIRM grant recipients.

In an acknowledgement of the difficult scientific publishing environment, Trounson plans to change the original terms of the RFP to stipulate that the journal be self-sustaining in five years instead of three.

Stem cell journals have proliferated in recent years, according to an article Aug. 7, 2010, in "Stem Cell Reviews and Reports." In the piece, Paul Sanberg and Cesar Borlongan, both with the medical school at the University of South Florida, reported on what they called a "rapidly evolving field." They said 18 journals now exist directly focusing on stem cell research and another 16 have "relevant overlaps to stem cell research." They noted that their count is not "exhaustive."

Sanberg and Borlongan wrote,
"With new journal proliferation comes competition. It has recently come to light that publishing stem cell studies has been fierce and sometimes hostile, with allegations of biased reviewers blocking competitors’ novel findings, leading to significant delay in publication or outright rejection ( New stem cell journals and traditional journals must amend their policies to allow more transparent review and editorial decision handling of stem cell and similar cutting edge research. Stem cell research is one of the most entrepreneurial areas of medical science. It is therefore not surprising that entrepreneurial publishers have developed numerous publication outlets for this rapidly expanding field. Ultimately, whether this stem cell journal proliferation continues, and aids the field of stem cells to 'differentiate' into a more mature research arena, will depend on the quality of peer review and science of stem cells."
Trounson's memo to the board did not address the issues raised in the Sanberg-Borlongan article.

He said the new, open-access journal would have full editorial independence, would publish "negative data" and periodic commentaries from CIRM that have been "appropriately" peer reviewed. Funds for the project are included in this year's CIRM budget. Trounson earlier said that new journal would help to accelerate the “the entire field as knowledge is aggregated and shared more readily” and encourage collaboration between stem cell biologists, clinicians and engineers.

The main office for AlphaMed is in Durham, N.C., although it has an office in California, according to Trounson.

Although CIRM is barred from funding research outside of California, CIRM's Gibbons said,
"Nothing in our statute prevents us from contracting for other services outside of California."
Trounson's memo said the first articles will go online this December with the print publication in January.

His memo appears to be principally an information item for the CIRM board on Thursday. It did not specify what action, if any, was needed by the board to execute the agreement with AlphaMed.

Here are links to the proposals by the three competing organizations.

Monday, March 07, 2011

CIRM Directors Moving on New Chairman and New Directions for Stem Cell Agency

Directors of the California stem cell agency are likely to settle this May on a new chairman of the $3 billion enterprise, replacing the man who has been the spirit behind the effort even before it was a gleam in voters' eyes.

The proposed timetable for election of a successor to Robert Klein, the first and only chair of CIRM, will come before directors at their meeting in Burlingame on Thursday.

Also on the agenda are far-reaching recommendations from CIRM management for new directions for the six-year-old, unprecedented state research program.

However, most attention is likely to be focused on the selection of Klein's replacement in a process that is proceeding more openly and orderly than last year's closed-door attempt by Klein to engineer the selection of his successor.

This week Klein offered his own view of the role of the chair in a new memo to board members, arguing for a person who would work on an 80 percent to 100 percent basis, presumably at a salary that could run to $500,000 a year. Klein, a real estate investment banker and lawyer, has worked without salary for most of his six-year term. In December 2008, the board designated his position as 50 percent with a $150,000 salary.

The directors' Governance Subcommittee last month recommended that the new chair work on an 50 to 80 percent basis, which could mean a salary in the range of $137,500 to $400,000. The subcommittee also recommended additional criteria for the new chair, which will come before the board on Thursday. Director Joan Samuelson added her additional thoughts for a global role for CIRM in a memo to the board.

The subcommittee backed away from making an immediate decision on delineation of responsibilities of the chair and president. Under Prop. 71, which created the stem cell research effort, the chair and president have overlapping responsibilities that have created friction in the past and generated criticism from the state's good government agency, the Little Hoover Commission.

Under the proposed timetable for selection of Klein's replacement, the board would provide the nominating state officials (governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer and controller) with recommended criteria, anticipated time commitment and salary range. The officials would be asked to make nominations by April 11. An evaluation subcommittee of directors would then conduct closed-door sessions with candidates. At the May 3-4 board meeting, candidates would make public presentations to directors with a possible final vote following. Klein has said he will serve only until the end of June.

Selection of the new chair will also be influenced by board decisions on implementation of the recommendations of last fall's external review report. Prepared by a blue-ribbon panel, the report recommended improved ties with the biotech industry, expansion of CIRM's international links and a more active role in seeking out promising research areas.

Some industry executives have been been critical of CIRM. Biotech businesses have received a tiny fraction of the $1.1 billion handed out so far by the agency.

CIRM management's response to the external report called for closer ties with industry, including formation of a special advisory panel and possibly twice-a-year RFAs specifically targeting industry. Management also proposed that some translational RFAs could require partnerships between academia and industry.

The management response additionally recommended reaching out to involve research elsewhere in the country. The 12-page memo said,
"When entities with promising new developments outside California are identified, CIRM will encourage them to partner with California institutions and apply to general or specific RFAs. The challenge is to find ways to pull projects under CIRM’s umbrella while staying within the spirit and regulations that govern the Institute."
Some of the management language in its memo is tentative, rather than flatly declaring that this or that task should be done, and does not require up or down votes by the board, if any votes are required at all. How the board responds to those suggestions will be critical in shaping future CIRM action.

The external review report also recommended clearer delineation of the responsibilities of the chair and president. The management memo appeared to agree but made no specific suggestions.

The blue-ribbon report recommended improvement in public awareness of the agency and its work. In response, the management memo, among other things, recommended hiring a public communications officer in the office of the chair, who would presumably operate independently from the current communications staff, which is under the president. CIRM already has a large public relations/communications effort, including outside consultants.

The management memo mentioned an "office of science education and communication" within CIRM that would enhance its public relations efforts. The memo said,
"The amount of effort required to produce continually renewed content cannot be under estimated."
In addition to the Burlingame location, the public can participate in the directors meeting at locations in Irvine and Los Angeles. Specific addresses can be found on the agenda. The meeting is also expected to be audiocast on the Internet.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Passage to Panama

We were remiss in not alerting our faithful and not-so-faithful readers earlier that we have begun a passage to Panama from El Salvador. As many of you know, we live on a sailboat south of the border, with the exception of trips to the Old Country (the U.S.) from time to time. For the last nine months, the boat has been in El Salvador. But the lure of other ports has compelled us to hoist the hook and move on, which meant that we lost regular Internet connections. However, you can expect a spate of fresh items in the upcoming week since we are now in San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua, where cyber cafes seem to be on every corner.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Geron's Golden Parachute for Okarma

Tom Okarma may be out as Geron's CEO but he has a nifty cushion to ease the pain.

Reporter Ron Leuty of the San Francisco Business Times has reported that the onetime head of the Menlo Park stem cell firm could receive up to $1.3 million, including $802,500 in severance pay, as part of an agreement with the firm.

The package consists of consulting fees, reimbursement of legal fees, health care coverage plus an additional $24,000 for benefits not covered by Medicare. He also has stock options that Leuty reported would have been worth more than $3.9 million if cashed out at Wednesday's closing price.

Geron, we should point out, has reported negative profit margins during the last 10 years. One web site reports that its current profit margin is MINUS 3,359.71 percent. Of course, making money is exception rather than the rule for biotech companies. Geron additionally could be in line for a $25 million loan from the California stem cell agency.

'Nature" Blogs on Chair Selection at $3 Billion Stem Cell Research Effort

Nature magazine's blog, Spoonful of Medicine, yesterday carried an item on selection of a chair for the $3 billion California stem cell agency to replace Robert Klein, who has headed the enterprise since 2004.

In her piece,  Michelle Pflumm covered ground that was familiar to readers of the California Stem Cell Report, but offered additional material with interesting perspectives. The headline on her item read "CIRM board members at odds over future chair’s duties and salary." The item was published prior to yesterday afternoon's meeting of the board's Governance Subcommittee.

She wrote,
"Twenty of 29 board members filled in the survey(for criteria for a new chair). Of those who did, most cited leadership and a history of stem cell advocacy as the most important skills needed in the next chairperson. However, a handful of members listed scientific know-how as the prime desired qualification. Under the terms of Proposition 71, the 2004 ballot initiative that led to CIRM’s creation, the chairperson must have a 'documented history in successful stem cell research advocacy.' No mention is made of scientific proficiency."
She continued,
"Additionally, the CIRM board members had differing opinions over how much power should sit in the position of the incoming chair. Eight survey respondents said the president should report to the chair, while only three thought the chair should report to the president. The remainder called for a more collaborative arrangement.

"In the past, critics have charged Klein with exerting too heavy-handed a role on the agency and not granting the president sufficient independence. As Joel Adelson, a health-policy researcher at the University of California-San Francisco, told Nature last year: 'Klein… acted like the chief operating officer beside (CIRM President Alan) Trounson and beside [former CIRM president Zach] Hall, and I can only say that this looks like it must have been very uncomfortable for these guys.'"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chair of Stem Cell Agency Likely to Remain Part-time Position

A key group of directors of the $3 billion California stem cell agency today recommended criteria for a new chair of the research effort, including a proposal that the position remain part-time.

Don Gibbons, chief communications officer for CIRM, said in an email that the salary range would remain unchanged under the proposals approved by the directors' Governance Subcommittee, with a top of $500,000 and a bottom of the $275,000. That would translate to $137,500 to $400,000 on a 50 percent to 80 percent work basis, as recommended by the panel.

The top attributes identified by the subcommittee are in the categories of "collaborative/consensus builder, leadership/vision, knowledgable/intellectually curious." The top desired skill sets are "advocacy, leadership/vision, scientific expertise/knowledge (defined as understanding), governance expertise/knowledge," Gibbons said.

The criteria were recommended following a survey of the 29 CIRM directors. Twenty directors and alternates responded.

Gibbons said the subcommittee "agreed to postpone a recommendation on the allocation of responsibility between the chair, vice chair and president until legal staff drafts further language for posting and distribution prior to another subcommittee meeting."

Prop. 71 legally dictates overlapping responsibilities between the chair and president, which have been a source of friction at the agency. The state's good government agency, the Little Hoover Commission, has recommended changes to ensure greater accountability and more effective management at the agency.

The recommendations could be considered by the board as early as its March meeting. CIRM Chairman Robert Klein is scheduled to leave in June. Klein just yesterday presented directors with a 9-page rundown on his "routine" activities that ranged from travel policies to economic impact reports to reviewing each request by the public for public records from the agency.

From PR to 'Monitoring' Board Members, Klein Spells Out His Routine

Robert Klein, chairman of the California
 stem cell agency
Robert Klein, lawyer, real estate investment banker and the chairman of the $3 billion California stem cell agency, has produced a remarkable document that details how he reaches deeply into CIRM operations on matters ranging from its economic impact to employee travel policy.

The 9-page, single-spaced memo was prepared for this afternoon's meeting of the directors' Governance Subcommittee meeting on criteria for the person who is to replace him in June -- if not sooner. The document was posted on the CIRM web site yesterday.

In the memo, Klein chronicled what he described as his "routine" activities for CIRM. Writing in the third person, he indicated that he attends virtually every public meeting involving CIRM in addition to many closed-door sessions. Another document offered earlier by Klein lists a host of meetings that he believes the CIRM chair would need to attend this year. The time required runs to about 12 business weeks of meetings with about another 24 weeks required for preparation, according to the document.

Klein's memo said he delved heavily into preparation of the recent rosy report on the economic impact of CIRM. He said he examined its "technical accuracy" and "strategic implications for participating companies, including those with publicly traded stock."

Klein additionally reported,
"In every board, subcommittee and working group meeting, the chair provides continuous, 'real time' legal guidance to the discussion, monitoring and suggesting phrasing and specific, descriptive wording that is consistent with the agency’s litigation record and constitutional/statutory authority."
Klein wrote,
"The chair must -- by design -- attend every Grants Working Group meeting -- fully prepared -- and take extensive notes to understand the context and conflicting points of view that affect the viability of recommended grants and loans, as well as future, potential extraordinary petitions and the scientific staff’s research of potential errors or contradictory positions." (The grants group makes the de facto decisions on virtually all grant applications.)
Klein reviews drafts of policies, including those for contracts and travel, RFAs and seemingly all CIRM material before it is presented to the public or the board. Klein wrote,
"The complexity of (policy) reviews generally requires the coordination of four or more external and internal legal perspectives to avoid esoteric state statutory and/or judicial conflicts, political sensitivities."
He is responsible for all the board agendas. He reviews each request for information under the state public records law. He monitors "the number of board members who discuss a particular topic outside of a noticed meeting." He is currently personally developing PR plans connected to what will be CIRM's first-ever entry into clinical trials.

In his memo, Klein sketched out his strategy to deal with "any negative announcement" – presumably death or grave illness – coming out of a CIRM-funded clinical trial. He said CIRM must be prepared "to assure the public that the predictable, sensationalized news turbulence surrounding any negative clinical trial event should not derail vital medical progress, with appropriate safeguards."

In 2008, the CIRM board defined the chair's job as a part-time, 50 percent position. Klein was paid $150,000 annually under those terms. Prior to that he took no salary. In December, the CIRM board extended his term into June, but at no salary.

Under the terms of Prop. 71, the chairman and president of CIRM have overlapping responsibilities, which has created problems in the past. They surfaced publicly and sharply in 2006 in directors' meetings that nominally focused on travel decisions and office assignments. In 2009, California's Little Hoover Commission, the state's good government agency, warned of "personality driven" leadership at CIRM. Its report said,
"An agency governance structure that features key positions built around specific individuals does not serve the best interests of the mission of the agency or the state of California, however well-qualified the individuals may be. Such a situation distorts accountability and succession planning and could, in the event of an abrupt departure of the individual, leave the agency leaderless for an extended period."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More on Positive Feedback Loops at CIRM or "Them That Has Gets"

Last week, we wrote about whether "feeding the well-fed" would produce the kind of results desired by the California stem cell agency.

The starting point was an item by UC Davis stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler who discussed on his blog the general grant-making process in the world of science. He said that the process rewards those who are already well-funded while greater impact could be had by refocusing on newer researchers.

Knoepfler subsequently pointed to an NIH piece that drew substantially the same conclusion based on its own study of grants.

Nature magazine also wrote about the piece by Jeremy Berg, director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, declaring that the
"...analysis plots the median number of publications between 2007 and mid-2010, and the median average impact factor of those publications, against total direct NIH funding in 2006. It covers 2,938 investigators, who were divided into 14 groups on the basis of their funding level.

"The resulting plot shows that both measures peaked at around US $750,000 in annual funding; at higher funding levels, the median publication number and average impact factor were both discernibly lower."

From Salary to Leadership: Results on CIRM Survey on Criteria for New Chair

The California stem cell agency has unveiled the results of a survey of its directors concerning their own performance and desired criteria for a new chair of the $3 billion research effort.

James Harrison of Remcho, Johansen and Purcell of San Leandro, outside counsel to the board, said in a memo to the board,
"The survey reveals that members have a wide range of views, especially in connection with the allocation of responsibilities between the chair and vice chairs, the board, and the president, and the appropriate time commitment and salary for the new chair. The survey also suggests, however, that members are more aligned with respect to the desired attributes and skills for the chair. For example, ten members identified the ability to collaborate as the most important attribute for chair. In addition, ten members concluded that advocacy skills are critical for a new chair, while 12 members indicated that leadership skills are also important. "
Only 20 members of the 29-members of the board and/or alternates responded to the survey last week. CIRM did not specify the number of alternates who participated. The results were posted yesterday, just two days before tomorrow's meeting of the directors' Governance Subcommittee. The panel is in the process of determining criteria for a new chair to present to the full board, probably in March. Results of the survey can be found here and here.

Some of the questions and responses spoke to the problem of overlapping responsibilities of the chair and the president, which are locked into law by Prop. 71. In the past, those ticklish issues have sometimes surfaced in public.

Based on the survey, board members seem to prefer more delegation and less operational activity on the part of the chair.

One board member, who was not identified, wrote,
"CIRM has 'grown up' enough that we can now clearly define responsibilities. The chair should oversee and guide, and empower the president to be the true CEO of CIRM. Judicious interventions will be more effective than micro-management."
On the question of how much time is needed to peform the chair's job, responses varied from 20 percent to fulltime. One unidentified board member wrote,
"While the designated effort is 50 percent, the role of the chair has been expanded so that the actual time probably exceeds 100 percent. This makes for confusion between the chair, president and others. The board chair's role should be to oversee the governing board, not manage CIRM. This percent effort should not exceed 50 percent."
Salary suggestions ranged from $50,000 to $550,000, depending on the time commitment.

Salaries are a hot button with the public, and the top scales at CIRM have triggered concern from various parties in the past.

Harrison's summary of the survey said,
"One member cautioned that, given the state's current economic circumstances, the chair's salary should be kept at a minimum level, while another member expressed the view that the board must be prepared to compensate the chair appropriately if it wishes to attract a great leader. One member added that limiting the compensation paid to the chair would enhance public trust and another member stressed that the board should look for candidates who do not require a high salary."
The survey identified "advocacy" as the most desired "skill" in a new chair. "Leadership/vision" ranked third with scientific expertise third. In the "attributes" category, the top, desired attribute was "collaborative/consensus builder" with "leadership/vision" and "knowledgeable/intellectually curious" coming up two and three.

As for the board's self-assessment, 90 percent agreed that that "CIRM lives up to its mission." (The survey had a choice of yes, sometimes or no on the statements.) A significant percentage of respondents indicated some areas of concern. Fifty percent agreed that the board is "too influenced by the views of the president and/or other management staff." Only 25 percent said "yes" to the statement "board members have appropriate input into the preparation of the agendas. While 65 percent said they "feel comfortable raising and discussing dissenting or contrary opinions," 35 percent said they agreed only sometimes with that statement.

Still missing from the Governance's meeting agenda for tomorrow are proposed changes in CIRM's governance policies, which could include issues related to the chair.

The public will have a chance to participate in tomorrow's sessions at locations in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, La Jolla, Irvine and Calistoga. Specific addresses can be found on the agenda.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Public, Researchers, Industry Left in Dark on CIRM Chair Selection Criteria

The California stem cell agency was admonished in December by the state's top fiscal officer concerning its performance in attempting to elect a new chair to head the $3 billion enterprise.

More transparency and openness are needed, said State Controller John Chiang, chair of the only state panel specifically charged with overseeing CIRM finances.

That advice is going unheeded this week. With only two days left before a key meeting concerning selection of a new chair, left in the dark is the California public – not to mention biotech companies, researchers, patient advocates and state policy makers, and all of the stakeholders in stem cell research.

The agenda for Thursday's meeting of the directors' Governance Subcommittee contains little more than hints at what it is to be considered. The lack of information makes it difficult – to put it mildly – for interested parties who have other business on their plates besides CIRM to come up with thoughtful and constructive comments.

The subcommittee is scheduled to consider a survey of directors' preferences on recommended criteria for the person who is to replace outgoing chairman Robert Klein next June. It is also scheduled to consider changes in the agency's internal governance policies. That's all the information available this morning to the public on the CIRM web site, although the agenda does not even actually mention the survey. No results of the survey, no recommended criteria, no proposed course of action, no language on on the changes in governance -- much less a justification -- are available to the taxpayers of California, who are paying for CIRM's operations.

Unfortunately, CIRM's performance this week on this matter is no exception. The agency has a dismal record when it comes to providing the public with access to information on what its directors are to consider. It comes late or not at all. Often no justification is presented for proposed actions. The issues are not minor. They involve the agency's most important actions and determine its current and future direction.

In six years, CIRM has never offered an explanation for what is a de facto of policy of secrecy. But the agency has laid down a record on openness and transparency that is nearly impossible to defend when CIRM goes to the people again and asks for another $3 billion.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Has CIRM Funded Stem Cell Research that Bush Would Have Banned?

When California voters approved creation of an unprecedented, $3 billion stem cell research program more than six years ago, they were told the money would go to finance research that then-President George Bush had banned.

Has that actually happened? Yes, but mainly no, according to a research paper published in Nature Biotechnology in December 2010.

In the first-ever such analysis of CIRM grants, Aaron Levine, assistant professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech, reported that through 2009 only 18 percent of California's dollars went for grants that were "clearly" not eligible for federal funding.

Levine's finding has implications for another, multibillion-dollar bond ballot measure that CIRM Chairman Robert Klein has proposed. The campaign for such a measure would have to address the question of whether the promises of the 2004 ballot initiative that created CIRM have been fulfilled.

CIRM does not offer on its web site figures that can be compared to Levine's calculations. The agency does present some statistics about the amount of funding for embryonic stem cell research, but makes no effort to break out the percentage of grants that would not have received funding during the Bush years.

Levine's numbers on California were part of a broader look at state funding of stem cell research in recent years. He reported that by the end of 2009, six states had awarded nearly 750 grants totalling $1.25 billion. California accounted for $1 billion of the total. Per capita funding amounted to about $1 in Illinois and nearly $28 in California.

In all of the states, percentages were low for research that was clearly ineligible for federal cash under the Bush standards. Levine wrote,
"Most state hESC funding appears to have supported research also eligible for federal funding during the Bush Administration. This finding is surprising, given the explicit intent of several state programs to preferentially support science not eligible for federal funding, but likely reflects the nature of the grant proposals state agencies received, particularly given the number of grants states awarded to scientists relatively new to the field of hESC research.
Levine continued,
"Several factors could explain the relatively small share of grants that went toward clearly ineligible research. Some scientists who wished to pursue this research may have been unable to access the raw materials or acquire the intellectual property rights required to do so. Alternatively, these findings could simply reflect scientific interest. The discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells may, for instance, have reduced scientific interest in the derivation of new hESC lines. Finally, these findings may reflect a preference on the part of scientists to use well-established and well-studied hESC lines. This last explanation may be particularly relevant for new scientists entering the field of hESC research, as using recognized cell lines may give their initial research efforts greater credibility."
In California, another factor enters into funding for Bush-banned research, particularly given the 2004 campaign promises. CIRM makes overt decisions about what to fund. Its RFAs spell out what is acceptable and non-acceptable. The agency could have specified that it would not fund any research that would be eligible for federal funding. But whether that would have been "good science" is another question. CIRM also spent nearly $271 million on new labs at many of its directors' research institutions, diluting the percentage that would be construed as financing Bush-banned research.

We are querying CIRM concerning Levine's statistics.

Levine also reported that the state stem cell research efforts appear to have drawn new scientists into the field, with the largest impact occuring in California. He wrote that 42 percent of those funded in this state appeared to be fresh to the field.

In addition to the Nature Biotechnology piece, Levine has created an online database of state grants that he plans to update regularly. In an email to the California Stem Cell Report, he said,
"While CIRM already makes this information readily accessible, some of the other state programs do not and I hope this database will facilitate comparisons among the various programs and prove to be a useful tool for people interested in state stem cell programs. "

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stem Cell Directors Meet Next Thursday to Deal With Klein Replacement

A key group of directors of the $3 billion California stem cell agency meets in just four business days to consider one of the more important matters facing the unique research enterprise.

The Governance Subcommittee will take up the criteria that directors would like to see in the next chair of the agency – the person who would replace Robert Klein, the longstanding (since 2003 or so) presence behind CIRM. Klein has announced that he will retire as chair in June.

The directors' subcommittee is scheduled to convene next Thursday to act on a survey of board members concerning their preferences for a new chairman, preferences that would be in addition to the legal requirements. Directors are hamstrung by law in their choice of a new chair. They must pick from candidates nominated by four statewide officials: governor, treasurer, controller and lieutenant governor. That requirement is part of Prop. 71, which created the stem cell agency and which was written by Klein and a handful of his associates.

So far, the public is in the dark about the results of the survey of directors and other details that the subcommittee is scheduled to consider. The agenda says only that "criteria and parameters for chair of CIRM’s governing board and process and timeline for consideration of nominees for chair of CIRM’s governing board" are on the table. Also on the agenda is what may be a related matter, but its significance is masked by its cryptic language, which consists of only seven words: "Consideration of amendments to Internal Governance Policy."

CIRM directors are taking a fresh look at selection of a new chair in the wake of the unseemly affair last December that resulted in a spate of negative news stories when Klein attempted to hand pick his own successor.

At the time, state Controller John Chiang, head of the only state entity specifically charged with overseeing CIRM finances, said in a letter to the board that the chair selection process was "fundamentally flawed" and should be restarted in a way that is open to the public.

He wrote,
"The ICOC has a responsibility to the taxpayers of California to conduct its business in an open and transparent manner."
Next week's meeting of the subcommittee will be held at public sites in the following cities: Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, Irvine and Calistoga. The specific addresses can be found on the agenda. Of course, written comments can be submitted to the board in advance of the meeting.

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