Monday, May 12, 2014

$17.9 Million California Stem Cell Spending Plan to be Scrutinized by New CEO

The new president of the California stem cell agency, Randy Mills, will take a crack at the agency's proposed, $17.9 million operational budget before sending it to directors for approval later this month.

The budget represents a 9.5 percent increase over estimated spending for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30. Mills has not yet had a chance to put his stamp on it. He was appointed as CEO of the agency on April 30. He will assume his responsibilities on Thursday.

The spending plan was examined this afternoon by the CIRM directors' Finance Subcommittee, which is chaired by Stephen Juelsgaard, former executive vice president of Genentech. It was Juelsgaard's first meeting as chairman of the panel, and he systematically sought explanations for a number of items that had large dollar or percentage increases.

The budget did not come to a vote by the committee. Juelsgaard said it needed a review by Mills to see if he wants to make changes prior to submitting it to the full board May 29. Mills has given no public indication of whether he might make substantial changes in the agency's operations. 

There was little discussion of a new, $600,000 item in the agency's budget for rent costs beginning in November 2015. The agency loses its free office space Oct. 31, 2015, and is facing the task of finding a new headquarters in a sizzling office market in San Francisco. However, it was noted that the $600,000 figure could change as CIRM becomes more deeply enmeshed in a search for new space.

Currently the agency has 19,500 square feet for 56 employees. The value of the current lease was placed at $1.2 million annually as of June of last year.

Asked earlier today about assumptions in the $600,000 figure, Kevin McCormack, senior director for public communications, replied,
“The assumptions for the $600,000 are that we will have a smaller space in a less trendy neighborhood, and while it would be lovely for employees to get free parking, it's not something that we are counting on.”
Parking in San Francisco is scarce and expensive. The public parking lot in the CIRM building charges $3.00 for every 20 minutes for ordinary customers.

During the examination of the budget, Juelsgaard raised questions about which expenses fall within the legal cap on operational spending. By state law, CIRM can spend no more than 6 percent of its grant total on its operational budget with the exception of legal expenses.

Juelsgaard and Jeff Sheehy, another CIRM board member, both questioned whether spending for BayBio and Biocom, biotech industry organizations, could be justified as legal expenses and thus be exempt from the limit, according to the terms of Proposition 71. That measure is the 2004 ballot initiative that created CIRM. The staff indicated those expenses would be moved out of the budget for the legal office and into another area.

Sheehy said that if CIRM has, in the past, placed such spending in the "legal" category it should retroactively correct that. Legal expenses for the coming year are budgeted at $1.9 million, including $711,200 for outside contracting, compared to $2 million for the current year. 

Juelsgaard also asked about expenses in a category called “reviews, meetings and workshops,” which totals $2.5 million. It is the second largest spending category in the budget, falling behind compensation, which is expected to total $12.1 million.

The category includes $300,000 for a conference involving hundreds of CIRM grantees. The agency did not stage such a conference last year, but has in previous years. The CIRM staff also noted that grant review meetings can cost up to $150,000. Some of the closed-door sessions last two days. All of the scientific reviewers are scientists from out-of-state, including some from overseas. The agency has nine reviews scheduled for the coming year.

Today's budget session involved new figures for the estimated spending for the current year, which alters the budget increase reported in an item Friday on the California Stem Cell Report. The earlier increase was based on calculations based on what then were the latest CIRM estimates for its current spending.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

New Home for the California Stem Cell Agency? A Million-Dollar-Plus Matter

The California stem cell agency is located south of Market Street in San  Francisco, close to the San
 Francisco Giants ballpark (upper right).  It is one of the hottest  office leasing areas in the city. 
 Since  the agency has been there, the area has changed from seedy to gentrified.
The $3 billion California stem cell agency has a 19,500-square-foot problem.

That is the amount of free office space that the agency will be losing in a little over a year. What's more, it puts the agency square in the middle of a red-hot office leasing market in San Francisco, where its headquarters is located. Rates have shot up 70 per cent since 2010, according to a leasing industry estimate.

One tech company executive said in March that she just signed a lease that was so expensive “it made me want to throw up,” according to a report in March on Business Insider.

Eleven months ago, the value of CIRM's space and unspecified “incentives” was estimated at $1.2 million annually by the agency's outside auditor. That estimate would be considerably higher today and even higher next year when the agency would be signing a new lease. However, the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine(CIRM), as the agency is formally known, is allotting only $600,000 annually for office rental, according to figures released Friday afternoon.

That would seem to mean that the agency will be either moving from San Francisco or cutting way back on its square footage or both. Remaining at its current location with less space may not be possible, given the agency's rocky history with its landlord, who donated the space as part of an $18 million package offered by San Francisco to lure CIRM to the city. Additionally, the agency has a legal cap on its budget, which means that it would be difficult to accommodate a large increase in rent.

A move to another city would be a major disruption for some employees who have made housing decisions based on the location of the headquarters. Relocation additionally can be anxiety-producing for employees worried about their work space as well as posing issues for moving computer servers and other hardware that needs to be functional virtually around the clock.

According to a 2006 CIRM document, the agency's space includes 18 offices with windows, 17 internal offices and 19 cubicles. The agency's space also contains a number of conference rooms and common areas in addition to a large reception area.

The headquarters houses 56 employees. Employment is likely to remain close to that level for the next two years. Some consultants and outside attorneys also work at the agency from time to time. After 2017, the number of employees is likely to decline unless new funding is secured. Without additional cash, the agency will be limited to overseeing the waning number of research grants that would still be underway.

As of a few years ago, free parking was provided to employees, a substantial benefit in a city where parking can cost $15 a day or more. Continuing that benefit could add to office space costs. Parking is so tight in San Francisco that a Web site has been created that focuses on the matter. More than one smart phone app has been created to deal with parking, including one that allows a driver leaving a public parking space to auction off the space to other drivers for prices up to $20.

CIRM's vice chairman, Art Torres, former head of the state Democratic Party, is looking into the possibility of securing some sort of subsidies through the city of San Francisco to maintain the agency's headquarters within the city. However, he has not publicly discussed that endeavor since last May.  

Chasing the Sun and Stem Cells From San Diego

The San Diego U-T this morning carried a profile of stem cell researcher Jeanne Loring of Scripps, describing her as a “stem cell evangelist” and a believer in scientific collaboration as opposed to the solitary work her geologist father pursued.

Bradley Fikes, who covers biotech for the San Diego newspaper, wrote the piece about Loring, who is director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Scripps.

The article was unusual for the mainstream media, which generally focus its profiles on persons who are more in the public limelight – not scientists.

Fikes noted Loring's early career in biotech businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area in addition to the San Diego, both of which are biotech hot spots. He wrote,
“Unlike the 'pure' academic who regards partnerships with businesses as compromising science, Loring said ties with industry can be rewarding. Businesses can take basic research discoveries and turn them into drugs and other therapies, she said, and that 'translational' arrangement is hard to replicate in a walled-off academic setting.”

The article also touched on Loring's life away from the lab including a pursuit -- eclipses of the sun --that has taken her to Zambia, Libya and Bolivia.
“'The eclipse vacations are the perfect thing for us,' Loring said. 'You can always work, but the eclipse is going to happen at a certain time and a certain place, and you have to be there when it happens.'”  

Friday, May 09, 2014

California Stem Cell Agency Budget Up 10.5 Percent

The California stem cell agency this week proposed a $17.9 million operational budget for the coming fiscal year, roughly a 10.5 percent increase over its current spending.

The largest expenditures in the proposed agency budget are for employee compensation, $12.1 million, up about 4 percent from current spending; grant reviews and meetings, $2.5 million, up 47 percent, and external services (outside contracting) $2 million, virtually unchanged.

The budget information on the agency's Web site was posted yesterday, only two business days before it is to be considered by the agency directors' Finance Subcommittee. The posted information did not explain or justify the increases. Nor did it contain a comparison to the agency's actual spending this year.

The year-to-year comparison was calculated by the California Stem Cell Report, based on figures that were presented to directors in the middle of March (see chart below) and those posted yesterday.
(Later information showed that the annual increase is about 9.5 percent, based on fresher figures for estimated spending this year.)

The boost in compensation is most likely tied to a slight increase in the size of the CIRM staff, which now totals 56. The largest component in the jump in the grant reviews and meeting expenses is a $300,000 meeting for the 600 recipients of the agency's grants. CIRM did not stage a grantee meeting during the current fiscal year.

The agency's operational budget does not include grants or awards for research, only the expenses for handing them out and overseeing their execution. The agency is limited by law to a budget of 6 percent of its awards, which will eventually total $3 billion. It has given out $1.7 billion so far.

The latest budget will be taken up on Monday by the Finance Subcommittee, which is chaired by Stephen Juelsgaard, former executive vice president of Genentech. It will be his first session as chairman of the finance panel. Juelsgaard has demonstrated a flinty-eyed approach to financial matters during full meetings of the CIRM governing board.

The new budget will also be the first for CIRM's new president, Randy Mills, who formally begins his job on Wednesday. However, the proposal probably does not likely to reflect any significant input from Mills, who has made his career in business. He may have proposals for changes in it after he officially begins work or perhaps even on Monday.

Recent Reader Comments on Randy Miller and SF Chron Editorial

The "recent comments" sidebar on this Web site has stopped functioning. While I attempt to repair it, here are some recent comments that have not shown up in that feature.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "San Francisco Chronicle: California Stem Cell Agen...":

What would you have expected to happen once the taxpayers funded scientist and PhD's associated with Big Pharma to do???? Build fancy administration buildings, laboratories, and sit around all day and discuss there. How many of these individuals who helped spend approx.. $2.4 Billion of taxpayers funds actually had patients in their care? Look at all the recent articles where scientist falsified data or their findings could not be replicated by others....physicians who actually care for patients have made greater strides in the field of regenerative medicine than CIRM could make in 30 years. CIRM will be another boondoggle where no one is held responsible for the waste of taxpayer funds. Gov't, Scientist, and PhD's should should move aside and allow actual doctors to care for their patients with the clinical advancements that have already been made in the field of regenerative medicine.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Former Osiris President Chosen as New CEO at Calif...":

It is very disappointing that CIRM selected Randy Miller who backed obsolete mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), not someone with human embryonic stem cell (hESC) experience to back voter-approved Prop71. Randy Miller, together with CIRM vice president Ellen Feigal, are responsible for several multi-million CIRM disease team awards to MSC at UC Davis that have no commercial validation at all, and many anti-hESC and anti-Prop71 conflict of interest comments in CIRM undisclosed grant reviews. The only way for CIRM to revive and bring cures to patients is to publicly support Prop71 by giving out hESC research awards, do the right thing that CA voters and patients have waited for so long. If CIRM cannot even issue a RFA for hESC research, if CIRM cannot have a transparent grant review process to fund hESC research according to Prop71, if CIRM continues to take its anti-hESC position, as where all the money of CIRM awards so far have pointed to, it is hard to imagine anything is going to change except let a well-wished proposition down the drain.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Randy Mills and His $640 Million California Stem Cell Experience

The new president of the California stem cell agency -- even before his appointment last week -- participated in handing out more than $640 million in awards from the agency to businesses and academic researchers.

Perhaps more importantly, all of those awards involved advanced stages of research leading to clinical trials, the current focus of the Golden State's research enterprise.

The participation of Randy Mills, the former CEO of Osiris Therapeutics, in the approval of the grants and loans came during the closed-door review of their applications. He was a member of the panel of out-of-state reviewers used in eight CIRM award rounds. The panel of scientist is large, but each award round uses only a small subset of the total group. 

Mills' five years as a reviewer gives him a special insight that is not even shared by most of the members of the CIRM governing board. Only seven members of the 29-member CIRM board sit on the review panel.

CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas, who is a non-voting member of the grant review panel, last week said that Mills demonstrated "a sharp intellect and a keen analytical mind" during grant reviews.

The grant reviewers make the de facto decisions on the vast majority of grant applications. The governing board has almost never overturned a positive decision by the reviewers. The full board receives only the review summaries that are available to the public, with the exception of proprietary information. Indeed, board members have complained over the years about not having enough information to make decisions when faced with appeals from rejected applicants.

The reviewer sessions are where the scientific merit of the proposed research is scrutinized and criticized in detail and scored. Until recently, other issues were considered as well, what the agency calls “programmatic” review, which covers nearly everything.

The role of the president of the agency during the closed-door review is not clear, although he does not have a vote. Alan Trounson, the current president of the agency, was believed by some California researchers to be active during the closed-door process, injecting comments and likely affecting decisions by reviewers at least on some occasions. However, the agency does not release transcripts or minutes from the review sessions.

Late last year, the CIRM president was authorized to make public recommendations to the full board concerning applications. That process is new, but stirred controversy in January in the $40 million stem cell genomics round.

Here are the award rounds involving Mills and the dollar amount that was budgeted for each: Strategic partnership I, $30 million; strategic partnership II, $40 million; strategic partnership III, $80 million; disease team II, $240 million; disease team III, $100 million, early translational II, $80 million, and early translational IV, $70 million. A specific amount for the 8th round, disease team II planning, was not available at this writing on the CIRM Web site, but that round was relatively small, $1 million or so or less.

Monday, May 05, 2014

New California Stem Cell CEO Begins Work May 15

C. Randal Mills, a man who has spent his entire professional life in the private sector, will take over on May 15 as the new president of the state of California's $3 billion stem cell agency.
Mills, 42, was named last week to succeed Alan Trounson, a longtime academic researcher who is leaving to return to his family in Australia. Mills, former CEO of Osiris Therapeutics of Maryland, is scheduled to begin half-time work in 10 days at the stem cell headquarters in San Francisco. At that point, Trounson will be designated as a senior scientific advisor to the agency. Mills' work will initially be half-time while he works out his move from Maryland.

The news from the agency, which is formally known as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), came along with more details about Mills' employment agreement, including provisions that deal with outside activities that he might pursue.

Randy Mills (left) and Jonathan Thomas
CIRM photo
The information was contained in an “offer letter” from CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas to Mills, dated and signed by both men on April 28, two days before the agency governing board ratified its terms(see here and here). The letter was provided by the agency at the request of the California Stem Cell Report. The full text can be found at the end of this item.

As reported previously, Mills' annual salary will total $550,000, compared to the $490,008 earned by Trounson. Mills' total compensation at Osiris was $554,750 in 2013, according to company filings with the federal government. He left Osiris in December 2013 for “personal reasons.”

offer letter provided for $95,000 in relocation and travel costs for house-hunting and moving. Mills is also entitled to reimbursement for meals and temporary housing for 60 days, contingent on approval by the state Personnel Administration Department. That would amount to $40 a day for meals and $178 a day for lodging. That could run up to $13,080 if the full 60 days are used.

Mills' agreement with CIRM allows him to use his “personal time and resources” to engage in outside activities that are compatible with his CIRM duties. Those outside activities include service on boards of for-profit companies, which can be lucrative, as well as service on non-profit boards. The agreement stipulates that such service be disclosed to the chairman of the board and that he confirm that the service is compatible with Mills' role as president.

Mills, who goes by the nickname Randy, is subject to the agency's conflict of interest policy which requires him to divest himself of any investments in companies that devote more than 5 percent of their research budget to stem cell research. In addition to the policy, Mills is required by state law to disclose his economic interests generally and is subject to the agency's “incompatible activities statement”(see below) and the “employee conflict of interest code.”

Mills will serve at the pleasure of the board. However, if the board fires him “without cause” within 36 months, he will be entitled to six months salary.. The agency's offer letter also said,
“You shall not be entitled to any payment if the (governing) board terminates you for cause, including knowing violation of state conflict of interest law and/or CIRM policy, willful or corrupt misconduct or a criminal conviction.”

The offer letter said the effective date of the appointment is June 2. However, Kevin McCormack, senior director of public communications, said last week that stipulation has been modified to reflect the May 15 start. McCormack said Trounson will serve as a scientific advisor to CIRM to June 30 “to help shepherd through a number of projects and commitments he has made.” Presumably that would include the closed-door review of applications in the $80 million Alpha stem cell clinic plan, which is scheduled to be acted on by the CIRM board later this year.

Here is the text of the April 28 offer letter and the agency's incompatible activities statement. 

Saturday, May 03, 2014

San Francisco Chronicle: California Stem Cell Agency 'Hasn't Lived up to Hype'

One of the “problems,” you might say, with things like picking a new president is that it calls attention to one's activities, for better or worse.

A case in point is an editorial this morning in the San Francisco Chronicle, which used the selection of a new president for the California stem cell agency as a springboard to a wider discussion. Its conclusions are not likely to make the agency happy. The newspaper said the $3 billion research effort has compiled a “decidedly mixed” record. The headline declared,
“State stem cell agency hasn't lived up to its hype.”

The editorial, which reflects the institutional stand of the Chronicle, noted that the agency will run out of cash for new research in less than three years. It continued,
“As far as the public is concerned, nagging questions remain: Has the institute been effective enough? How good should California taxpayers feel about the institute's use of their $3 billion? 
“The answer is a decidedly mixed one. 
“Part of the problem is that California taxpayers had outsize expectations when they passed Prop. 71(which created the agency).”

The editorial said,
“Progress on stem cell research has been significant - but it's been the progress of the tortoise rather than the hare. It was irresponsible for the backers of Prop. 71 to convince the California public that cures were just around the corner, and it is unfortunate that so many Californians are disappointed with the institute because they believed this.
“'People were schooled to believe that all of these breakthroughs were right around the corner,' said Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society. "You can't schedule scientific breakthroughs.'
“'That's not the institute's fault. Still, it's been a struggle to get the agency to use the best organizational practices. In 2012, a blue-ribbon committee of the National Academy of Sciences released a report after a yearlong review that found conflicts of interest on the CIRM board that threatened to 'undermine respect for its decisions.' It also found significant flaws in the agency's grant-approval process.'
“The institute responded to all of this criticism by dragging its feet about making necessary changes to improve operations and create a board with more independence. Last year, it changed its voting procedures for board members who are members of institutions, to answer the criticism - but the change came awfully late.”

The editorial concluded,
“Prop. 71 was an initiative passed based on the politics of the time. It's difficult to call it a total failure, especially during a time when U.S. public investment in scientific research is so low.
But stem cell research has finally gotten off the ground all over the country, and the institute's operations over the past decade haven't inspired the confidence California voters would need to offer the agency more money. The agency will need to rely on private investment if it's to continue its mission.”

The Chronicle's editorial today stood in sharp opposition to its position Sept. 30, 2004, when it enthusiastically endorsed Proposition 71. Ironically, the 2004 editorial carried some of the hyperbolic adjectives that its editorial today deplored, including such expressions as “bold,” “brimming with potential,” “unquestioned promise,” “significant (economic) windfall” along with the phrase “considerable savings on health care.”

The bottom line – 10 years ago – for the Chronicle on the California stem cell agency?
“As a society, we have a moral and ethical obligation to pursue this potentially life-enhancing science with a sense of mission that is now lacking in the nation's capital. California has long been a leader in biotechnology and other burgeoning research industries. Proposition 71 gives the state an opportunity to fund another crucial area of medical technology. This state is big enough to support such an adventurous and exciting quest -- and it should -- since it offers not just promise, but hope.”

The California stem cell agency could and does make much the same argument today for continued financial support.

(Editor's note: The National Academy of Sciences report mentioned in the editorial was prepared by a committee of the Institute of Medicine, which is the health arm of the academy.)

Friday, May 02, 2014

CIRM 2.0 and Randy Mills: Crystallizing a 'Tidal Shift' at the California Stem Cell Agency?

Two California stem cell bloggers, one a UC Davis researcher and another a veteran patient advocate, are hailing the appointment of a biotech industry veteran as the head of the $3 billion stem cell agency.

Scientist Paul Knoepfler, who also considers himself a patient advocate, said yesterday,
“Biotech leader (Randy) Mills (formerly of Osiris) serving as the new CIRM president ushers in a fundamentally new era for CIRM, and so it immediately kicks off CIRM 2.0.”

Knoepfler said that CIRM was originally all about pluripotent stem cells but that has changed.
“The notion of a leader with a primarily for-profit mesenchymal stem cell-centered focus at the helm of CIRM would have seemed impossible even just a few years ago. However, a tidal shift just happened. Okay, so it didn’t happen all at once overnight and observers of CIRM could see this trend begin a few years ago, but the appointment of Mills as the new CIRM prez crystallizes this change.”

Knoepfler continued,
“The CIRM of today and the future is primarily going to be about focused stem cell clinical product development (the main goal of Prop. 71) and raising capital to support that development beyond 2017.”

Patient advocate Don Reed, a longtime follower and supporter of the stem cell agency, said on the Daily Kos,
“My impression? Overwhelmingly positive.”

Reed noted that Mills “worked his way through college in the emergency room, so he has a strong sense of urgency for the work at hand. About himself, he stressed that he was 'patient centered... We are going to work relentlessly for the benefit of the patients and the people of the state of California.'”

Last year, Knoepfler posted a four-part series on mesenchymal stem cells, the stuff Mills developed as CEO of Osiris. The series was based on an interview with Arnold Caplan of Case Western University, the father of mesenchymal stem cells. The four items deal with the science but also touch on FDA regulation and medical tourism. The series begins here.

In Knoepfler's book, "Stem Cells: An Insider's Guide," he said Caplan coined the name mesenchymal stem cells(MSC). Knoepfler said in the book,
"MSCs can be isolated from fat, bone marrow, or placenta. MSCs are the hottest type of adult stem cell today with 306 clinical trials."

Thursday, May 01, 2014

'As Soon as Mills Sat Down' -- CIRM Chairman on the Stem Cell Agency's New CEO

Officials at the California stem cell agency were extraordinarily taciturn during April as its governing board worked its way through selection of a new president.

Kevin McCormack, the senior director for public communications, would not even disclose the number of candidates being considered in the semi-final or final round, seemingly innocuous figures. On Wednesday, at least one reason for his reticence became apparent.

The 29-member governing board had only one candidate to consider at their final, closed-door meeting in Burlingame, CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas said. Their Presidential Search Subcommittee had, earlier this month, screened seven semi-finalists and eliminated all but C. Randal Mills, more commonly known as Randy Mills.

“As soon as Randy Mills sat down we knew we had the person we were looking for.” 

Thomas cited Mills experience, “his sharp intellect and keen analytical mind” and told an emotional story about a 14-year-old leukemia patient involved in clinical trials for Prochymal, a stem cell treatment developed by Mills' then firm, Osiris Therapeutics.

Thomas went on to say,
“Ours is a complex organization. Not only do we fund ground-breaking scientific research, but we are also a state agency. Our mission is to find therapies and cures for chronic disease and injury as quickly as we can and, as a public agency, we operate in a fishbowl. The position of president requires a rather unique set of skills to be able to handle all aspects of the job. 
“We are also at a challenging point in our life. It is now almost ten years since the passage of Proposition 71, the voter-approved initiative that created us. In that time we have made extraordinary progress, helped fund 10 projects that are in clinical trials and have several more starting clinical trials this year. But our work is far from done. We have many other research projects that are making great progress and we want a new president who will help ensure that we are able to move those, as quickly as possible, from the lab and into clinical trials in people. 
“Randy is that person. He has the scientific knowledge, the organizational skills, the business acumen and the personal qualities that this position needs.”

For a very brief look at Mills' views on change and accomplishment, see here.

The New California Stem Cell CEO on Change and Accomplishments

In June 2009, Randy Mills, the new CEO of the California stem cell agency, wrote a brief, first-person reflection on his career and motivations for Pharmaceutical Executive. At the time, he was five years into his service as the top executive at Osiris Therapeutics.

Among other things, he said he worked his way “through college in the emergency room. It taught me a lot about life, death, and human suffering.”

He continued,
“When I accepted the position of CEO at Osiris, I was only 32. The company had been around for 12 years, but was really struggling. I needed to change the culture, and fast. Unfortunately, that meant changing many of the people who had been involved with the company for a long time. It was very hard, but five years later the transformation is dramatic, and the lumps are now fond lessons.”

He also said,
“At Osiris, we've built a culture where patients come first, and we've accomplished much over the last year: We formed the largest stem-cell partnership ($1.4 billion) to date with Genzyme Corporation; we created and sold our first commercial stem-cell product line for $85 million in cash; and we won a $227 million Department of Defense contract. But I think my most significant accomplishment is receiving the first-ever FDA expanded-access approval for a stem-cell therapy, providing life-saving treatment to children who would likely otherwise die.”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Media Coverage of California's New Stem Cell CEO: Mills, Prochymal and Fresh Eyes

Randy Mills (pink tie) and three CIRM directors following today's meeting. Left to
 right, Francisco Prieto, a Sacramento physician. Mills, Jeff Sheehy, a communications
manager at UC San Francisco, and Ken Burtis, a genetics professor at UC Davis
California Stem Cell Report photo
The appointment of Randy Mills, former CEO of a Maryland stem cell firm, attracted quick attention today from the mainstream media as well as the scientific press.

Here is a sample of the coverage as of early evening Wednesday California time.

Kelly Servick of the journal Science wrote,
“Under Mills’ leadership, Columbia, Maryland-based Osiris became the first company to receive regulatory approval for a stem cell drug. Canadian regulators in 2012 approved Prochymal to treat complications from bone marrow transplants. 'We need something like that to happen with some of our projects,' says (Jeff) Sheehy (a member of the CIRM governing board). 
“The board’s choice 'reflects an evolution of CIRM and how they look at themselves,' says Michael May, CEO of the Centre for Commercialization and Regenerative Medicine in Toronto, who in 2012 served on an Institute of Medicine panel tasked with reviewing CIRM’s structure and policies. 'The message is [one of] being more business-like.' Mills is viewed as a pioneer in the stem cell industry, May adds, and may help cultivate partnerships that support CIRM as it looks for new potential funding sources.”

Bradley Fikes of the San Diego U-T reported,
“Biotech reporter Adam Feuerstein dinged Mills last May for claiming Prochymal was the most widely used stem cell drug in the world, when it actually had no sales.
"'Mills has a different definition of 'widely used' than most investors,' Feuerstein wrote.
"Osiris sold Prochymal and the rest of its stem cell business in October to Australia-based Mesoblast for up to $100 million; $50 million in cash and stock and up to an additional $50 million in milestone payments.”

Monte Morin and Eryn Brown of the Los Angeles Times quoted CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas as saying Mills will “bring a fresh set of eyes and will help work with our staff on our directions going forward.”

Natalie Sherman of the Baltimore Sun and Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle noted that Mills was part of the large panel of scientists who make the virtually all the decisions on funding grant applications. Chris Rauber of the San Francisco Business Times also had a story.
The agency's press release can be found here.

The California Stem Cell Report will carry an item tomorrow on additional coverage that is likely to surface. 

Former Osiris President Chosen as New CEO at California's Stem Cell Agency

BURLINGAME, Ca. – Directors of the California stem cell agency today selected Randy Mills, the former CEO of Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., of Maryland, to replace Alan Trounson as president of the $3 billion research enterprise.  

The governing board of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the agency is formally known, unanimously chose Mills, who will be the third CEO in the agency's history.

His strong private sector background will become increasingly important at the agency, given its aggressive push to commercialize stem cell research and bring it into the clinic.

Mills' appointment came as the agency faces its possible financial demise. Its funding for new awards is scheduled to end in less than three years. It has only $600 million left in uncommitted funds. CIRM is exploring new ways to raise cash, including some sort of public-private partnership. The new president will play an important role in finding the money.

Mills raised $160 million to support Osiris, said CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas. Mills told reporters later that his focus is 100 percent on bringing cures to patients.

Mills will be paid $550,000 annually and will receive $95,000 in moving and relocation expenses. Trounson, who is returning to Australia to spend more time with his family, was paid $490,008 annually, a figure that remained unchanged from 2008, when he joined the agency. CIRM said Mills' compensation was less than for similar jobs at universities and nonprofits. 

Thomas said that Mills will be examining the agency's operations to determine what it is doing well and what it can do better. No cures or therapies have been developed through research funded the agency. Nonetheless, Thomas recently said that the agency has a record that the state can be proud of. He said that CIRM currently has "10 projects that are in or have been in clinical trials – including therapies for heart failure and HIV/AIDS – and we anticipate several more in cancer, diabetes, sickle cell disease and blindness going into clinical trials this year.”

But even some of its directors have noted the difficult and lengthy task of turning research into cures. Stephen Juelsgaard, former executive vice president of the biotech firm Genentech, in recent months has cited figures that show only 10 percent of potential therapies entering clinical trials are approved for use.

Part of Mills' new job will be retention of the agency's highly skilled 56-person staff, which includes 29 persons holding Ph.D. or M.D. degrees. Some of those staffers may start looking for new positions if they believe the agency is not going to secure new funding In some business situations, that could be done with retention bonuses that would encourage key employees to stay on. However, the agency is limited by law to an operational budget of 6 percent of its research awards, which its directors generally agree is very tight.

Also, in 2015, CIRM is scheduled to lose its free office space in San Francisco, a benefit received as a result of San Francisco's successful bid for the headquarters. It has yet to locate new space in the city, which is experiencing skyrocketing rates for office leases. Several years ago, the agency's outside auditor estimated it would cost CIRM $1 million annually to replace the space. That figure would be much higher today because of the rising leasing costs in San Francisco.

Osiris CEO Moving to California Stem Cell Agency

BURLINGAME, Ca. -- The new president of the California stem cell agency is Randy Mills, the former CEO of Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., of Maryland. Directors chose Mills during a closed-door meeting at the Hyatt Regency hotel. More details upcoming.

Editor's note: An earlier version of this item incorrectly reported that Mills was still CEO of Osiris.

California Stem Cell CEO Decision Still Up in the Air

BURLINGAME, Ca. -- Directors of the California stem cell agency are still huddling behind closed doors as they try to decide today on a new president for the $3 billion research effort. The governing board worked through lunch after interviewing candidates, who were not visibly on the scene here at the Hyatt Regency hotel.

Today's meeting is scheduled to end at 5 p.m. PDT.

$40 Million Stem Cell Genomics Award: Details Still Being Worked Out

BURLINGAME, Ca. – The California stem cell agency and a Stanford-Salk consortium have yet to come to terms on a final agreement on a $40 million stem cell genomics award.

The governing board of the agency approved the proposal in late January during a process that was marked by controversy, including complaints about irregularities,unfairness, score manipulation and the role of its president, AlanTrounson.

All awards are subject to review by the agency's staff, which works out final details and assures that all terms are met.

Asked about the status of the award, Kevin McCormack, senior director of public communications for CIRM, said this morning that the agency was still talking with the consortium. He did not go into details about what issues are involved.

Closed-Door Session Begins for Selection of New CEO for California Stem Cell Agency

BURLINGAME, Ca. -- The governing board of the $3 billion stem cell agency is meeting behind closed doors this morning to pick a new president to lead the organization.

The session began at 9:13 a.m. PDT at the Hyatt Regency here. CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas said prior to the meeting that he expected the session to go smoothly. The session is not scheduled to adjourn until 5 p.m. PDT.

The CIRM directors are scheduled to interview an undisclosed number of finalists, all of whom who are believed to come from the private sector. Warren Ross of the Korn/Ferry search firm, which was hired to assist in recruitment, told the California Stem Cell Report that roughly 20 persons applied originally. He said eight to 10 were given serious consideration, and he had high, general praise for their qualifications.

The new president will replace Alan Trounson, who is leaving to rejoin his family in Australia.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

California Stem Cell Agency Fires Up New Print/Online Endeavor

California's $3 billion stem cell research program this month launched the “Proceedings of the California Stem Cell Agency” in partnership with a scientific journal that it spawned in 2011.

The journal is Stem Cells Translational Medicine, which was initiated at the behest of the Golden State's stem cell agency. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine or CIRM, as the agency is known, subsidized the new journal for three years with $600,000 paid to AlphaMed of Durham, N.C. (See here, here, here and here.)

The move by the state agency came as reliance on traditional scientific journals for publication of research findings has encountered heavy criticism in recent years for wasting billions of dollars and costing lives.

Ellen Feigal, CIRM photo
Ellen Feigal, senior vice president for research and development for the California agency, and Natalie DeWitt, CIRM's special projects officer, wrote in the latest edition of the journal that the “Proceedings” would consist of a “monthly series (in the journal) of commentaries, articles, interviews, webinars, forums, and concise reviews on a wide range of topics in regenerative medicine.”

The agency executives said,
“Under our direction as series co-editors, the Proceedings will create a dynamic forum for the broad international community of scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders engaged in stem cell research.”

Natalie DeWitt, CIRM photo
The kickoff article dealt with the sharing of clinical trial data, which, Feigal and DeWitt wrote, is “a thorny issue that continues to spur worldwide debate and one for which the regenerative medicine community can shape the discussion at an early stage.”

They said,
“Forthcoming Proceedings will include articles such as policy and scientific considerations surrounding the creation of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) banks; the global regulatory environment for developing stem cell-based therapies; and reports from various focused workshops, such as on bottlenecks in research on Parkinson's disease and ocular disorders, as well as progress in research to generate blood and liver tissues.”

The Proceedings' first offering was authored by Feigal and DeWitt along with CIRM staffers Geoff Lomax and Maria Millan. It said that more information sharing would speed research among scientists but that sharing would need to be “de-risked” by developing standards that protect proprietary information.

The article also discussed, in two dense paragraphs, a need to provide some provide some sort of cash incentive for sharing data. The authors wrote,
“Consideration should be given to mechanisms for rewarding the deposit of data. For example, performance metrics for monetizing the deposit of high-quality data should be considered. Like an investigator's publication record, such a system could be weighted in peer review and progress reporting. Monetization should also be evaluated from the perspective of system quality and sustainability. If quality data can serve to reduce sponsor costs, then reasonable fees or royalties may be appropriate.

“Contract research organizations have ex tensive experience and expertise in data generation, analysis, and management, but funding constraints may not allow them to participate in data sharing. Again, reimbursement mechanisms may bridge this gap.”

The journal provides free online access to individuals but institutional subscriptions can exceed $1,000 a year.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Picking a New Prez: Finalists for California Stem Cell Agency Post Coming from Private Sector

The Sacramento Bee today carried a piece on the upcoming selection of a new president for the $3 billion California stem cell agency.

The article was authored by yours truly and briefly spelled out some of the issues that will be facing the new president. The California Stem Cell Report has also been told that the remaining candidates, who are scheduled to be interviewed by the agency's governing board on Wednesday, are all from the private sector. Asked repeatedly whether, in fact, the finalists for the job are all from the private sector, the agency has remained firmly tight-lipped. Here is the piece from The Bee, which is the only daily newspaper in California's Capital. 

State stem cell agency’s at a crossroads

Published: Sunday, Apr. 27, 2014 - 12:00 am
Last Modified: Sunday, Apr. 27, 2014 - 7:38 am
In a few days, the $3 billion California stem cell agency is slated to pick a new president who will oversee what could be the last years of its life.
The governing board of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the agency is formally known, is scheduled to make the decision Wednesday on the new CEO and his or her pay, which may top $500,000 annually and predictably stir public outrage.
It is a watershed moment for the nearly 10-year-old agency. Not only does it need a new president, it needs more cash, along with results that will resonate widely with the public and potential funding sources. Money for new research awards is scheduled to run out in 2017. To help build support and attract cash, CIRM has begun an aggressive push to commercialize stem cell research. The hope is to fulfill the promises of cures that were made during the ballot initiative campaign that created the program in 2004.
Overall, the agency, which has 56 employees, has handed out about $1.7 billion since it was created by California voters when they approved Proposition 71. The measure funded the agency directly from state borrowing (bonds), with no intervention by the governor or Legislature. No cures have yet resulted from CIRM’s spending.
The agency’s new chief will replace scientist Alan Trounson, who said last fall that he was resigning to rejoin his family in Australia. Trounson was hired in 2008 at an annual salary of $490,008, where it remains today.
Late last year, the agency pointedly specified that the new CEO did not have to be a scientist. Hiring someone from the private sector, however, could mean offering a salary higher than Trounson’s.
The new president and the agency face other issues, particularly developing what the agency calls a “sustainability” plan that would finance it beyond 2017. CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas is examining the possibility of a public-private partnership and is pitching the agency’s achievements to possible funding sources.
Asked last week to summarize CIRM’s accomplishments, Thomas said in an email, “In just a few short years – we didn’t start funding research in earnest until 2007 – we have helped make California the world leader in stem cell research and advanced the science much faster than anyone imagined would happen. Just 10 years after the passage of Proposition 71, 10 projects (that) we have funded are in or have been in clinical trials – including therapies for heart failureand HIV/AIDS – and we anticipate several more in cancer, diabetes, sickle cell disease and blindness going into clinical trials this year. It’s a record the people of California can be proud of.”
CIRM’s message, however, did not resonate at a meeting in January of the only state body charged with oversight of the enterprise – the Citizens Financial Accountability Oversight Committee, which is chaired by state Controller John Chiang.
One member of the committee, Jim Lott, a hospital industry executive in the Los Angeles area and backer of Proposition 71, was sharply critical of a presentation by Thomas and Ellen Feigal, CIRM’s senior vice president for research and development. According to the transcript of the meeting, Lott said, “What can you tell me that we’ve done that’s going to get my (13-year-old) daughter out of her wheelchair sooner (rather) than later after all this money has been spent?”
Not satisfied with Thomas and Feigal’s response, Lott told Thomas that the agency had a serious “marketing problem.” Lott said, “I’m telling you, pal, I would have a hard time voting for (Proposition 71) again.”

Friday, April 25, 2014

Post-Mortem on NIH and its Stem Cell Center Action

An interesting discussion is underway in comments on this blog concerning the shuttering of the NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine and the departure of its leader, Mahendra Roa.

It involves priorities, strategy and funding, which one anonymous commentator says was inadequate. Researcher Jeanne Loring of Scripps has also weighed in with her thoughts. Among other things, she said that Rao did tremendous work and that the California stem cell agency should "embrace his ideas." Another scientist says some of the problems stemmed from failure to negotiate the bureaucratic byways of the NIH with the necessary skill. All the remarks can be found in a comment string on the NIH item. 

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