For those of you interested in the unlovely details of how we cover the California stem cell agency, here is a quick look at the process for today's meeting.
We are anchored in a sailboat in Panama Bay off the City of Panama. We will attempt to log into a phone broadcast of the agency's governing board meeting in Los Angeles using the instructions provided on the meeting agenda. That will happen, we hope, using Skype, which can sometimes be dicey here. Our Internet connection is a via a USB modem to a Claro 3.5G wireless phone service. It is a prepaid account for "unlimited" use at $15 a month. We also have a cellular phone with prepaid service, as a possible backup, with a different provider. But that could prove to be very expensive for an eight-hour meeting.
On past board meetings, we used CIRM's Internet audiocast, which had its problems from time to time. CIRM appears to have dropped that service.
With more than 3.0 million page views and more than 5,000 items, this blog provides news and commentary on public policy, business and economic issues related to the $3 billion California stem cell agency. David Jensen, a retired California newsman, has published this blog since January 2005. His email address is
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sacramento Bee and IOM: Restructuring Needed at California Stem Cell Agency
The Sacramento Bee today praised the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations for wide-ranging changes
at the $3 billion California stem cell agency.
The newspaper's editorial and an
earlier one in the San Francisco Chronicle come as the IOM formally
presents its findings this morning to CIRM directors, some of whom
would likely lose their seats if the recommendations are implemented.
The Bee said that for years “numerous
outside critics” have recommended similar changes at the state
agency to avoid conflicts of interest and possible misuse of public
funds. The Bee wrote,
“Instead of listening, leaders of this institute(CIRM) – a poster child of how ballot initiatives can be manipulated to create quasi-public institutions with little public oversight – have been consumed by a siege mentality that has prevented any real introspection.”
The Bee noted that about 90 percent of
the $1.7 billion handed out by the eight-year-old agency has gone to
institutions connected to members of the 29-member governing board.
One of the IOM recommendations would bar the board from voting on
individual grant applications. Instead, the applications would be
voted on as a block.
The Bee continued,
“It is to CIRM's credit that it solicited the Institute of Medicine report last year. Although some taxpayers may blanch at the report's $700,000 price tag, it will be worth the cost if it leads to a restructuring of how CIRM operates.
“Of course, if it fails in that task, it will only affirm the view of many voters that they should never again endorse a California research initiative, especially one like Prop. 71 that lacks proper controls and accountability over taxpayer dollars.”
Coming Up: Live Coverage of IOM Presentation to Directors of the California Stem Cell Agency
The California Stem Cell Report will begin its live coverage today of the meeting of the governing board of the California stem cell agency at 9 a.m. PST (Noon EST). On today's agenda is the official presentation of the IOM's sweeping recommendations to the agency's directors. Stories will be filed as warranted.
For information on how to listen to the meeting live or find one of the teleconference locations in California, see this item.
For information on how to listen to the meeting live or find one of the teleconference locations in California, see this item.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Neil Littman: New Business Development Officer at the California Stem Cell Agency
The California stem cell agency this
week mentioned the hiring of a business development officer as part
of its plan to engage industry more robustly but did not identify
The California Stem Cell Report queried
the agency about the new hire. Kevin McCormack, the agency spokesman,
identified him as Neil Littman, who most recently worked as a senior
associate in the merchant banking group at Burrill & Co. in San
Neil Littman Linked In photo |
Littman's responsibilities will include
“facilitating opportunities for outside investment in stem cell
research in California for both CIRM-funded and non CIRM-funded
programs by biopharmaceutical strategic partners, equity investors and disease foundations.”
McCormack said that Littman's
“strategic advisory experience includes buy-side and sell-side M&A,
as well as in-licensing and out-licensing of both development stage
and commercial products.”
Littman also worked at Thomas Weisel
Partners and at Deutsche Bank Securities. He received a M.S. in biotechnology with a concentration in biotechnology enterprise from The Johns Hopkins University, and a B.A. in molecular, cellular and development biology from the University of
Colorado Boulder in 2002.
Littman's salary at CIRM is $160,000 annually.
StemCells, Inc., and California Stem Cell Agency Remain Stalled over $40 Million
The California stem cell agency and
StemCells, Inc., are still stalled in negotiations over how the firm
will become eligible for $40 million from the state research effort –
three months after the agency's governing board approved the awards.
The key issue is whether the agency is
satisfied that the Newark, Ca., firm can provide $40 million in
matching funds that it promised under the terms of two $20 million
awards approved in late July and early September. The September award
was approved on a 7-5 vote by agency directors after it was rejected twice by CIRM reviewers.
In response to a query by the
California Stem Cell Report, Kevin McCormack, an agency spokesman,
yesterday said the company and CIRM have not reached agreement.
CIRM directors okayed the September
award in an appeals process that used a mechanism called
“extraordinary petitions.” Last week, a blue-ribbon, Institute of
Medicine study of the agency said the petitions should be abolished
because they damage the integrity of the grant review process.
The September approval was the first
time that agency directors approved an application that was rejected
twice by reviewers. The action followed two appearances by the former
chairman of the agency, Robert Klein, on behalf of StemCells, Inc. It
was his first such appearance on behalf of an applicant.
The StemCells, Inc., award also
triggered a column in the Los Angeles Times by Pulitzer Prize-winning
columnst Michael Hiltzik. He wrote
that the process was “redolent of cronyism” and said a
“charmed relationship” existed among StemCells, Inc., its
“powerful friends” and the stem cell agency.
StemCells, Inc., stock price reached a
52-week high on Sept. 4 of $2.67, well up from its 52-week low of 59
cents June 4. The stock was trading at $1.78 at the time of this
IOM-Stem Cell Agency Coverage Planned for Tomorrow
The California Stem Cell Report
tomorrow will provide complete, live coverage of the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) presentation to the directors of the $3 billion
California stem cell agency. The IOM last week recommended sweeping
changes at the agency, but this is the first chance for the agency
governing board to hear directly from the panel.
Harold Shapiro, chairman of the IOM
study committee and former president of Princeton University, and
Terry Magnuson, vice chairman of the panel and vice dean of research
at the University of North Carolina, will perform the briefing for
the 29 members of the CIRM governing board.
The meeting is scheduled to begin in
Los Angeles at 9 a.m. PST. Our best guess is that the IOM
presentation will come up shortly after the meeting starts.
Those who would like to listen live to
the meeting can dial 866-254-5937 and use the code 274426 to
hear the meeting on a one-way connection. The stem cell agency is no
longer providing an Internet audiocast.
In California, teleconference locations
that permit comment and participation in the meeting are available in
San Francisco, Pleasanton and La Jolla. A previous location in
Oakland is no longer available. Persons interested in those locations
should check with CIRM for more details on the specific locations
than is provided on the agenda.
The agency has also published its Power
Point presentations dealing with the initiation of a $40 million basic biology round, the proposed awards of more than $36 million for translational research and the agency's industry engagement plan. Four rejected applicants have appealed in
translational research round, which was budgeted for $80 million.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Four Researchers File Appeals with Stem Cell Board for Millions of Dollars
Two more scientists are seeking to
overturn rejection by reviewers of their applications for millions of
dollars from the California stem cell agency, bringing to four the number of appeals in the award round to be considered Wednesday by
agency directors.
Cingolani also
said his research is not represented in the CIRM portfolio. He said,
The latest two are Sanaz
Memarzadeh of UCLA and Eugenio Cingolani of Cedars Sinai in Los
Angeles. Memarzadeh is seeking $3.1 million for research into the causes of endometriosis. Cingolani is seeking $2.8 million to research the possibility of a stem-cell based heart pacemaker.
Both have filed “extraordinary
petitions” with CIRM, an appeals process that the Institute of
Medicine last week said should be jettisoned by the agency. The IOM
said the petitions undercut the integrity of the grant review
process. At the same time, directors of the agency are mulling
changes in the appeals process, which has seen a record number of
appeals, including emotional presentations by patients at board
meetings. Both petitions were written prior to the release of the IOM
In her petition, Memarzadeh said,
“Endometriosis is the third most common non-lethal chronic disease in California affecting 1 in 10 reproductive age women and costing the state $25 billion annually.”
Sanaz Memorzadeh
UCLA photo
Endometriosis occurs when cells from
the uterus grow in other areas of the body often causing debilitating
pain and sometimes pelvic cysts, according to the NIH, and the best
chance for a cure is removal of reproductive organs.
Memarzadeh said the cause is unknown as
are the best ways to treat the affliction. She wrote,
“To our knowledge CIRM has not funded any work related to women’s gynecologic diseases. Funding work related to endometriosis through this proposal is an opportunity for CIRM to fill a critical gap and make a major impact in this understudied field of research.”
Eugenio Cingolani Cedars Sinai photo |
“While CIRM has laudably invested in ischemic heart disease studies, no grants have been awarded in the area of heart rhythm disorders. This is a huge area of public health need. The current application has the potential to fill an important gap in the current CIRM translational research portfolio, expanding the focus to treat heart rhythm disorders.”
In this round, which was budgeted at $80 million, 12 grants were approved by reviewers. Fifteen were
rejected. The amount required for the 12 grants is $36.2 million.
The stem cell agency did not release
the scores of the grants that were rejected. They are likely to be
disclosed at the Wednesday meeting.
IOM Report: Chronicle Says Prompt and Major Changes Needed at Stem Cell Agency
The San Francisco Chronicle today said
the $3 billion California stem cell agency needs to make major
changes “to avoid conflicts of interest and retain its credibility
with the public, and it needs to do so sooner rather than later.”
The Bee has yet to editorialize directly on the IOM report.
In an editorial that came in response
to the sweeping recommendations of the Institute of Medicine last
week, the Chronicle declared,
“The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the stem cell funding agency that state voters approved in 2004, has been an 'innovative initiative' that's strengthened California's biotechnology industry and furthered the cause of basic stem cell research, according to a new independent review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). But the agency needs to make some major structural changes in order to avoid conflicts of interest and retain its credibility with the public, and it needs to do so sooner rather than later.”
The editorial continued,
“The institute also needs to respond to the criticisms in the report, and to do so as quickly as possible. In particular, the institute needs to reform its management if it's to continue its mission after state funding runs out, as it appears the institute's chairman would like to do. Its governing board is too involved in day-to-day management. Nearly all the 29 members of that same board are on the payroll of institutions that have won grants - a serious conflict of interest.”
The Chronicle editorial was the first
that we have seen on the subject, but additional comments from
individuals have come the way of the California Stem Cell Report.
In an email, Tom Hall, a retired
history professor in Berkeley, said,
“At the risk of being too cynical, it seems to me that those who expect the agency to implement the proposals are being more than a bit naïve. The proposals amount to asking people to commit suicide. Those presently involved have too much self-interest at stake to voluntarily drop out. Some kind of pressure will have to be applied.”
Hall referred to IOM recommendations
that the 29-member CIRM governing board be barred from voting on
individual grant applications and its members be removed from the
grant review process. The IOM also said that the majority on the
board should consist of “independent” members, which would likely
mean that some current board members would lose their seats.
Another email from a person with close
knowledge of the stem cell agency, but who must remain anonymous,
“I worry that CIRM (governing board) will once again circle the wagons and construct elaborate excuses for inaction and preserving the status quo. It's really terrible because you could make incredible advances if only the energy and dollars were directed properly.”
The Sacramento Bee ran a related editorial yesterday that called for “putting the brakes” on "the
initiative machine," which was the process used to create the stem
cell agency in 2004. The Bee said that initiatives are “driven by
special interests and buttressed by a business network of signature
gatherers, legal services and campaign consulting.”
The stem cell initiative, Proposition
71, also has become a two-edged sword for the agency, locking in management minutia and making it nearly impossible to make needed
changes, such as those recommended last week by the blue-ribbon
Institute of Medicine panel.
Among other things, The Bee indicates
that it would support “a sunset of 10 to 15 years for laws passed
by voters – or automatically putting such laws back on the ballot
for voters to reject or affirm.”
The Bee has yet to editorialize directly on the IOM report.
California Stem Cell Agency: Two Researchers Seek to Overturn Grant Review Rejection
Two University of California scientists
whose applications for millions of dollars were turned down by
reviewers at the California stem cell agency are asking its governing
board this Wednesday to overturn the rejections.
They are Jonathan Lin of UC San Diego
and Sophie Deng of UCLA, who are seeking $3.1 million and $3 million
They have filed appeals using a process known
as extraordinary petitions, which a blue-ribbon report by the
Institute of Medicine last week said should be abandoned. The study on the
performance of the $3 billion agency said the petitions
“undermine the credibility and independent work” of grant
reviewers. However, under state law stem cell researchers and
the public have the right to address the CIRM board on any issue
In recommending abolition of the
petitions, the IOM cited the flap in Texas concerning its $3 billion
cancer research program. Reviewers there resigned en masse to protest what
they considered abuse of the grant review process.
Lin and Deng's petitions were written prior to the release of the IOM report. But they come as the
agency is already examining ways to tighten up its free-wheeling appeal process, which this year has seen a record number of appeals,
backed by emotional presentations from patients and lobbying by the
former chairman of the agency, Bob Klein.
In the grant round to be considered
Wednesday, reviewers have approved 12 applications out of 27 generated by the
“New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research” RFA. The approved grants have scientific scores ranging from 87 to 65. Positive decisions
by reviewers are almost never overturned by the CIRM board. The
approved applications total $36.2 million, according to California
Stem Cell Report calculations. The agency budgeted $80 million for
the round. One application, the proposal that scored 65, was approved for
what CIRM calls “programmatic” reasons, which have been defined as “issues beyond scientific merit, such as disease representation and societal impact.”
In her petition, Deng challenged the
reviewers' remarks that her proposal was not worthy of funding
because it is “not exceptionally novel.”
Sophie Deng UCLA photo |
She wrote,
“This comment reflects a misunderstanding of translational research. There is a huge gap between a novel discovery and delivering a new therapy to the clinic; translational research is about bridging this gap, not the novelty of the discovery. If the discovery is not translatable, it is meaningless for patient care....Our approach might not be the most novel, but it has the highest potential to bring a new therapy to the clinic.”
Deng also said that “multiple
criticisms” in her review “reflected flawed understanding” of
its clinical aspects.
Lin's petiton was briefer. He said an attempt to approve the application for programmatic reasons during the
review failed because “CIRM was already funding AMD (age-related macular degeneration), and that
significant progress was being made elsewhere in the world.”
Lin said,
Jonathan Lin UCSD photo |
“I contest these claims because CIRM has not funded AMD-related research in prior New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research RFAs. Furthermore, stem cell research to treat AMD remains in basic science, preclinical research, and clinical safety phases in California. Significant research and clinical studies are still ahead before stem cells can be approved for therapeutic use in patients with AMD.”
CIRM did not disclose the scores of
either Lin or Deng. Only the scores of approved applications were
listed for this meeting. In some cases in the past, scores of some
rejected grants have been listed on the CIRM web site. The agency did
not disclose the names of the other applicants or their institutions.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
$40 Million High-Risk Stem Cell Research; IOM and CIRM on Engaging Biotech Biz
Directors of the California stem cell
agency this Wednesday will be asked to approve initiation of a $40 million, high-risk research program aimed at filling “key gaps”
in knowledge about human stem cell behavior.
The concept plan for the round –
called Basic Biology V – will come up for approval at the governing board meeting in Los Angeles. Pre-applications are expected to be due
in March.
The staff proposal calls
for as many as 30 awards, but did not specify a limit on the total dollars for each award. The competition is open to both business and academics
and non-profit organizations.
The proposal said that the round is
targeting “high-risk, exploratory pursuits.” The goal is to fill
“key gaps in our understanding of fundamental human stem cell
behaviors that hinder the pace of discovery, and ultimately prevent
the potential of this research from being fully realized.”
Additionally up for consideration at this
week's meeting is a “blueprint” for “engaging industry and supporting commercialization” of CIRM research. A blue-ribbon study
by the Institute of Medicine last week also recommended that CIRM
engage industry more warmly. However, there were striking differences
between what the IOM recommended and what CIRM proposed. The CIRM plan was prepared
prior to the release of the IOM report.
The CIRM proposal laid out the following
objectives that were prompted by an “external review” two years
- “Attract Follow-On Financing and Co-funding of CIRM Funded Research
- “Support of Company Creation/Growth/Relocation
- “Early Engagement of Top Tier Biopharmaceutical Companies in Order to Access Critical Expertise
- “Assume a Leadership Role in Business Related Areas the are Critical for Supporting the Field”
“Reimbursement” is the euphemistic
term that industry prefers instead of saying “beefing up profits.”
Last week, the report by the Institute of Medicine, which cost CIRM $700,000, noted that biotech firms have
received only about 6 percent of the $1.7 billion handed out by CIRM,
a figure not mentioned by the eight-year-old agency's industry
engagement plan.
The IOM said that industry
representation on the agency's critical, decision-making boards (the governing board and standards and
grant reveiew groups) should be enhanced. Additionally, a new scientific advisory
board with substantial industry presence should be created to replace
existing advisory groups. All of which would be aimed at enhancing
and leveraging industry “expertise and resources in product
development, manufacturing, and regulatory approval in support of
the ultimate goal of bringing therapies to patients,” according to
the IOM.
basic biology,
industry engagement,
strategic plan
Friday, December 07, 2012
Stem Cell Agency Chairman Says IOM Report 'Quite Complimentary'
Jonathan Thomas CIRM Photo |
He wrote a piece for the agency's blog
that said the 124-page report was “quite complimentary.” Thomas' article carried forward the theme of the stem cell agency's press
release yesterday that said the IOM “praises the agency as a 'bold
social innovation.'”
Thomas did acknowledge that the report
“highlighted some areas and made some recommendations about where
and how we might improve our performance.”
Thomas concluded by saying the agency
takes the report seriously and will, over the next few months,
consider how best to respond.
IOM Proposals for Overhaul at CIRM Win High Marks
The Institute of Medicine's
recommendations for major changes at the California stem cell agency
today received generally high marks from independent observers and
Many of the proposals echoed
suggestions from California's Little Hoover Commission, the
state's good government agency. Asked for comment, Stuart Drown, the
commission's executive director, said,
“The institute’s recommendations for much-needed changes to CIRM’s governance structure to provide greater efficiency, clarity and accountability reinforce the recommendations the Little Hoover Commission made in 2009."
He continued,
“Then and now, the Commission’s recommendations are aimed at improving CIRM’s ability to meet its goals for the good of all who can benefit from stem cell research, and to ensure that California taxpayers’ dollars are put to their most efficient use to that end.”
The California Stem Cell Report also
asked the agency's first president, Zach Hall, for his thoughts. Here
is the full text of what Hall, who was one of the peer reviewers on
the IOM study, had to say,
“The IOM Committee and its staff have done an impressive job. The report recognizes the scientific value and achievements of the CIRM and, at the same time, makes cogent recommendations that, if taken seriously, will further improve the quality and the public credibility of the Institute. The committee and staff deserve the thanks of the scientific community and all California citizens for their careful and thoughtful work.”
John M. Simpson, stem cell project
director for Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca., said,
“It's long past time to make the changes the report calls for, but given the spin the agency put on its response -- saying the report praises the 'agency as a bold innovation' -- shows it's business as usual. This sort of behavior will only ensure that CIRM doesn't get another round of public funding,”
Marcy Darnovsky, associate executive
director of the Center for Genetics and Society of Berkeley, Ca.,
welcomed the recommendations. But she said,
“Given the agency’s shortcomings and the state’s budgetary problems, it would be wrong to ask Californians to give it more public money. If the agency acquires new funds from industry sources or venture firms, it must recognize that it has ongoing obligations to the people of California.”
She continued,
“CIRM has not responded in a meaningful way to many previous public interest suggestions or to independent reviews, including the one in 2009 by the state’s Little Hoover Commission. We hope the agency will not continue that pattern.”
The California Stem Cell Report also
queried most of the 10 patient advocates on the agency's governing
board for comment. Their roles could be altered in a major way by the
IOM recommendations. None of the advocates have yet responded.
(The full text or nearly
full text of all the above comments is available here.)
Text of Comments Reacting to IOM Report on California Stem Cell Agency
Here is the full text or the essential
elements of comments sought by the California Stem Cell Report on the
Institute of Medicine report that recommended sweeping changes at the
California stem cell agency. Consumer Watchdog and the Center for
Genetics and Society put their comments in the form of news releases,
which contained redundant material.
From Stuart Drown, executive director
of California's Little Hoover Commission:
“CIRM initiated the Institute of Medicine review, which is to its credit. The Institute of Medicine took a scrupulous and rigorous approach to its review of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine and in its report, notes CIRM’s many achievements and accomplishments.
“The Institute’s recommendations for much-needed changes to CIRM’s governance structure to provide greater efficiency, clarity and accountability reinforce the recommendations the Little Hoover Commission made in 2009. The institute graciously acknowledged the commission’s work, which clearly is as relevant now as it was in 2009.
“Then and now, the Commission’s recommendations are aimed at improving CIRM’s ability to meet its goals for the good of all who can benefit from stem cell research, and to ensure that California taxpayers’ dollars are put to their most efficient use to that end.”
From John M. Simpson, stem cell project
director at Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca.(full press release here):
“Consumer Watchdog Thursday welcomed a report from the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) calling for sweeping reforms in governance at California’s stem cell agency and an end to the board’s built-in conflicts of interest.
“The report said that 'far too many board members represent organizations' that receive funding or benefit from the stem cell agency. The IOM said that the board’s oversight function should be separated from the day-to-day management of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).
“'The IOM's critical report echoes what every independent evaluator has said in the past,' said John M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s Stem Cell Project director. 'As we have repeated from the beginning, CIRM suffers from built-in conflicts of interest and needs to separate the board's oversight function from day-to-day management.'
“'It's long past time to make the changes the report calls for, but given the spin the agency put on its response -- saying the report praises the 'agency as a bold innovation' -- shows it's business as usual. This sort of behavior will only ensure that CIRM doesn't get another round of public funding,' Simpson said.”
From Marcy Darnovsky, associate
executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society in
Berkeley, Ca.(full press release here):
“The Center for Genetics and Society, a nonprofit policy research and advocacy organization, welcomed the report on the California stem cell agency released today by the Institute of Medicine and called for stronger protections for the interests of Californians as the agency continues its disbursement of public funds.
“CIRM is nearing the end of the billions of dollars of public funding allocated to it in 2004. The agency is currently considering how to extend its operations after the money runs out. CGS Associate Executive Director Marcy Darnovskysaid, “Given the agency’s shortcomings and the state’s budgetary problems, it would be wrong to ask Californians to give it more public money. If the agency acquires new funds from industry sources or venture firms, it must recognize that it has ongoing obligations to the people of California.”
“She continued, 'CIRM has not responded in a meaningful way to many previous public interest suggestions or to independent reviews, including the one in 2008 by the state’s Little Hoover Commission. We hope the agency will not continue that pattern.'
“'Today’s report from the IOM reaffirms the significance of the conflicts of interest and structural flaws that were built into the stem cell program from the beginning, and that continue to threaten its credibility and effectiveness. These are serious problems that the Center for Genetics and Society and other public interest voices pointed out even before the agency was approved by the 2004 ballot measure on which backers spent some $35 million.
“'Many aspects of these early concerns remain directly relevant,' Darnovsky said. 'There is still no way for elected officials to provide oversight because the measure that created CIRM requires a 70% vote by both houses – more than a supermajority. The agency’s governing board is still tainted by its built-in conflicts of interest, and still includes no representation of the public beyond disease advocates. Members of the agency’s powerful Working Groups, including the one that reviews grant applications, are still not required to publicly disclose their individual financial interests.'”
More IOM-CIRM Coverage: One Story Notes Major 2007 Conflict Flaps at Stem Cell Agency
Additional coverage emerged this morning,
including stories in the Los Angeles Times, the Nature web site and
Businessweek. on a blue-ribbon report that recommended sweeping changes
at the the $3 billion California stem cell agency
In the Times, California's largest
circulation newspaper, Eryn Brown's story was headlined,
"Stem cell agency board criticized for conflicts of interest."
The article began,
"The board of California's stem cell funding agency is rife with conflicts of interest and should be restructured to improve the integrity of its grant-making process, according to a new report from independent experts convened by the national Institute of Medicine."“
In the San Diego U-T, reporter Bradley
Fikes' article was the only piece in all the coverage to mention two major conflict-of-interest flaps at the agency in 2007.
One involved then CIRM board member
John Reed, head of Sanford-Burnham in La Jolla, who tried to influence CIRM staff
in connection with a grant to his organization, triggering
an investigation by the state's political ethics commission. (Reed's
actions were first disclosed by the California Stem Cell Report.) The
other case involved inappropriate actions by four members of the
29-member board in an $85 million round. Ten applications were dumped
from the round because of the directors' actions. The conflict
issues were so rampant that only eight of the directors present at a
December 2007 meeting could discuss the issues.
On the Nature news blog, Monya Baker
had a thorough piece that said the agency “received a mixture of
praise and hard-to-enact recommendations from an august scientific
body.” She also wrote,
“It’s unclear what effect the report will have. Many of these recommendations run counter to requirements enshrined in the legislation that created CIRM, and the board of CIRM has heard similar recommendations before and failed to act on them.”
On the web site of the journal Science,
Greg Miller wrote that IOM report "praises the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) as a 'bold social innovation' that
provided a creative new source of funding that has turned the state
into an international hub of stem cell research. But the IOM panel
authoring the report also concluded that the funding agency’s
organization and governance is not optimal."
Businessweek carried the AP story by
Alicia Chang mentioned yesterday. The AP story also appeared on the San
Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee web sites and was also carried internationally on other web sites. The Chronicle also had a staff story by Erin Allday.
(An earlier version of this item did not contain the last sentence regarding the Allday story.)
(An earlier version of this item did not contain the last sentence regarding the Allday story.)
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Coverage of the IOM Report: Light but a Column with a Cutting Edge
News coverage has been light so far
today of the Institute of Medicine's recommendations for an overhaul
at the $3 billion California stem cell agency. But a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist from the Los Angeles Times took a sharp knife to the agency's press release on the IOM report.
Michael Hiltzik, who is a regular critic of the agency, asked,
Michael Hiltzik, who is a regular critic of the agency, asked,
"So how did CIRM react to the report? Even before the review panel's conference call with the press was completed, the agency issued a news release stating that the panel had 'praised' the agency 'for its ground breaking work in helping advance the science of stem cell research.'"If you wanted to know about the committee's criticisms, the first mention of those was in paragraph 9 of the news release. It quoted board Chairman Jonathan Thomas as promising to 'work on establishing a process to enable us to consider how best to proceed with reviewing the recommendations.'
"By my count, that's seven steps it will take before actually acting on the recommendations.
"As it happens, the panel's recommendations, which include creating a majority of independent board members without any potential conflicts of interest, track very closely to recommendations made by several previous outside reviews of CIRM, especially a 2009 study by the state's Little Hoover Commission.
"CIRM rejected almost every one, and it looks to be preparing to circle the wagons again against sensible improvements in the way it does business."
The Associated Press story by Alicia
Chang popped up in two different forms on the Washington
Post web site and in Ottowa and Spokane, among other places. Chang
was on board for the IOM news conference and had this to say about
CIRM from one of the IOM study group members.
“'They’re not broken but they’re bent,' said Sharon Terry, president of the nonprofit Genetic Alliance who was part of the panel. 'They need some correction.'”
Chang's story originally began,
“California has transformed into a powerhouse player in stem cell research, but the taxpayer-funded institute responsible for that needs an overhaul, a report released Thursday found.”
Another version, that appeared in
Ottowa and Spokane and beyond, started this way,
“A report says California’s stem
cell agency needs more independent oversight and recommends a
restructuring to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest.”
Ron Leuty of the San Francisco
Business, who is one of perhaps two reporters who regularly cover
the stem cell agency, wrote,
“A review of California's stem cell research funding agency proposed changes to the agency's governing structure and commercial goals while praising its results so far. The 124-page report from the Institute of Medicine recycles many conflict of interest and intellectual property concerns that have dogged the San Francisco-based” agency.
Stephanie O'Neill at KPCC radio in Los
Angeles also had a story.
The IOM and the CIRM Point of View
The California stem cell agency today
looked at the study that it paid $700,000 for and decided the glass
was half full.
The agency's press release on the
124-page report by the prestigious Institute of Medicine was
headlined, “Institute of Medicine Report Praises Stem Cell Agency as a
'Bold Social Innovation.'”
The report also recommended sweeping changes
at the agency, including stripping its governing board of the power to approve
individual grants, overhauling the board to install a majority of
independent directors and fundamentally altering the role of the 10
patient advocates on the 29-member board.
IOM Recommends Sweeping Changes at California Stem Cell Agency
A blue-ribbon study of the $3 billionCalifornia stem cell agency today said the program has “achieved
many notable results,” but recommended sweeping changes to remove
conflict of interest problems, clean up a troubling dual-executive
arrangement and fundamentally change the nature of the governing
The recommendations from the 17-month
study by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) would strip the board of its ability to approve individual
grants, greatly strengthen the role of the agency's president,
significantly alter the role of patient advocates on the governing
board and engage the biotech industry more vigorously.
Harold Shapiro, former president of
Princeton University and chairman of the IOM study panel, said, “Overall, CIRM (the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine) has done a remarkably good job”
in giving the state a prominent position in regenerative medicine.
But he said the stem cell field has “evolved”and CIRM needs to
change with it.
As for turning research into cures, the
report said,
“The challenge of moving its research programs closer to the clinic and California’s large biotechnology sector is certainly on CIRM’s agenda, but substantial achievements in this arena remain to be made.”
Asked for comment, J.T. Thomas, chairman of the CIRM governing board, said it was premature to offer an opinion on the report, which will be presented to directors Dec. 12 at their Los Angeles meeting. (See here for the full text of Thomas' remarks.)
The study was conducted at the behest
of CIRM, which paid the IOM $700,000. The IOM is a prestigious
non-profit organization that was created in 1970 to provide
authoritative advice to policy makers and the public.
In 2010, when directors authorized the
study, Robert Klein, then chairman of the CIRM board, and other board
members said that they hoped the study would lead to
another multibillion dollar state bond issue to support the
agency(see here and here). Duane Roth, a San Diego businessman and co-vice chairman of
the CIRM governing board, was the lone no vote on the study. He
warned directors that that they could not “go in just sort of blind
trust that (the IOM is) going to reach the conclusion you want them
to reach.”
The agency will run out cash for new
grants in four years. Currently California remains in the throes of
state budgetary problems, and the agency has put on hold talk of another bond
election. It has also broached the possibility of
seeking private funding.
The IOM report said the agency should
develop a full-blown “sustainability platform” and plans that would
spell out its likely financial structure and future rules on grants
and their administration, including intellectual property.
The study echoed concerns and
complaints about CIRM's operation that were aired even before the
agency was officially created by voters in 2004. One of those
involves the built-in conflicts of interests on the CIRM governing
board. As of September, 92 percent of the $1.7 billion handed out by the agency had gone to institutions linked to persons serving on the 29-member board.
The report said,
“Far too many board members represent organizations that receive CIRM funding or benefit from that funding. These competing personal and professional interests compromise the perceived independence of the ICOC(the CIRM governing board), introduce potential bias into the board’s decision making, and threaten to undermine confidence in the board.”
The IOM cited an ongoing scandal in Texas dealing with that state's $3 billion cancer agency. The flap
has led to mass resignations of the agency's grant reviewers. The
IOM said,
“Recent controversy surrounding the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas grants process illustrates the importance of rigorous scientific review free from inherent or perceived conflict and the consequences when these boundaries appear to be breached.”
However, the IOM press release said,
“Because the committee was not charged with reviewing CIRM's past funding decisions, it did not identify any specific cases of conflict.”The IOM surveyed members of the board (ICOC) about conflicts of interest. The report said,
"While a majority of respondents stated that personal interests did not play a role in their work on the ICOC, some responses were more equivocal. One respondent replied that it was 'hard to tell' given that 'so many decisions take place off camera in secret meetings,' while another acknowledged that ICOC members are human, and of course their decisions are influenced by personal beliefs and interests."
To help deal with conflicts of
interest, the IOM recommended that the CIRM governing board not be
allowed to approve individual grants. Instead, the board would be
given a slate of applications that would be approved as a block. All
CIRM board members would be removed from the grant review committee
and the grant review process would be turned over to the president of
the agency, currently Alan Trounson.
The IOM recommended that a majority of
the board consist of “independent” members and said that the
board should not be increased beyond its current 29 members, although
it could be shrunk.
Conflict of interest rules should be
revised to deal with personal conflicts, which could have a major
impact on the 10 patient advocate members of the board but also
other directors and possibly staff who have family members with health issues. The report said,
“California law focuses primarily on financial conflicts of interest, but the committee believes that personal conflicts of interest arising from one’s own or a family member’s affliction with a particular disease or advocacy on behalf of a particular disease also can create bias for board members. Studies in psychology and behavioral economics show that conflict of interest leads to unconscious and unintentional 'self-serving bias' and to a 'bias blind spot' that prevents recognition of one’s own bias. Bias distorts evaluation of evidence and assessment of what is fair.”
The IOM said that the board is much too
involved in operational matters, including the chair and the two
vice-chairs. The report said,
“The board should transfer management responsibilities to management so it can provide truly independent oversight and evaluation of management, strategic planning, and broad direction for resource allocation.”
The IOM repeatedly and favorably cited
a 2009 study by California's Little Hoover Commission, the state's good
government agency. It noted that CIRM rejected most of the commission's recommendations. The IOM also cited recommendations by the agency's own “external review” panel in 2010 and suggestions
this year from the first performance audit of the agency, which cost
CIRM $234,944.
Many of the IOM's recommendations would
require either legislative approval or another ballot initiative.
However, changes in the Prop. 71, the ballot initiative that created CIRM, require a politically difficult super, supermajority
vote (70 percent) of the both houses of the legislature and the
signature of the governor. The requirement was written into the
10,000-word initiative and has been used by CIRM to block legislation
that it did not favor.
Here is brief rundown on some of the
other IOM recommendations:
- Greater engagement with industry to commercialize stem cell research. Noting that industry has received only 6 percent of the agency grants, the report said business representation on CIRM working groups and other committees “should be enhanced to leverage industry’s expertise and resources in product development, manufacturing, and regulatory approval in support of the ultimate goal of bringing therapies to patients.”
- Elimination of the current process in which applicants rejected by reviewers appeal publicly to the governing board. Noting that 32 percent of “extraordinary petitions” have been successful, the report said they “undermine the credibility and independent work” of grant reviewers. Instead appeals would heard only by staff behind closed doors.
- Creation of a new scientific advisory board, appointed by the CIRM president with a majority from outside of California, instead of multiple advisory groups. The report said,“Such an external board would be invaluable in vetting ideas for new RFAs, suggesting RFAs that otherwise would not have been considered, and helping CIRM maintain an appropriate balance in its research portfolio. Input from this board would help CIRM make fundamental decisions about dealing with challenges that cut across particular diseases, decide which discoveries should progress toward the clinic, and determine how best to engage industry partners in developing new therapies.”
- Funding of programs on bioethics and regulatory problems. The report said,“It is difficult for researchers to find appropriate funding for stem cell-specific ethics and policy work, and filling this funding gap is well within CIRM’s budget.”
One final note: As mentioned
earlier, Duane Roth, co-vice chairman of the agency, was the only no
vote on the board when it authorized the IOM study in 2010. The IOM today said,
“The critical tasks performed by the vice chairs should be reassigned to management. In particular, the important tasks of government relations and corporate relations both should be carried out by staff reporting to the president rather than by the vice chairs of the board.”
For more excerpts from the report, see this item.
CIRM management,
Text of CIRM Chairman's Comments on the IOM Report
Here is the text of comments on the IOM study of CIRM from J.T. Thomas, chairman of the agency.
"We deeply appreciate all the hard work of the IOM committee in compiling long and detailed report and the IOM clearly put considerable thought into compiling it. This has just been released so our Board and our staff has not had a chance to look at it yet, let alone digest its findings and recommendations, so it’s premature for us to offer any opinions. We are looking forward to the IOM presentation at the next meeting of our board, the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC) where we’ll have a chance to talk with the IOM directly about the report. After that we’ll put together a process on how best to proceed so that we can respond in as thoughtful a manner to the recommendations as the IOM did in making them."
Excerpts from the IOM Report on the California Stem Cell agency
Here are excerpts from the $700,000 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the $3 billion California stem cell
agency -- the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).
Overall Comments
“Improvements to CIRM’s governance
structure, scientific program, and policies are critical to better
serving California taxpayers who elected to devote funding to promote
stem cell research in the state. The necessary changes outlined by
the IOM committee, if enacted by the state and/or the institute,
would help to instill confidence among the scientific community and
California residents in the vital work that CIRM is accomplishing.”
“It is the committee’s judgment
that overall, CIRM has done a very good job of initially establishing
and then updating the strategic plans that have set priorities for
and guided its programs, and of taking advantage of its guaranteed
flow of $300 million a year for 10 years to establish a sustainable
position in regenerative medicine for California. The challenge of
moving its research programs closer to the clinic and California’s
large biotechnology sector is certainly on CIRM’s agenda, but
substantial achievements in this arena remain to be made.
“Despite its demonstrable
achievements to date, as well as the largely positive independent
reports covering various aspects of its operations, no one would
claim that CIRM is a perfect organization or that it should adhere
slavishly to its initial form of organization, set of regulations, or
pattern of priorities. The field of regenerative medicine has
advanced rapidly since November 2004, and CIRM itself has seen the
need to alter its activities and approaches in some areas. The
committee believes the same should be true of its governance
structure, some of its administrative practices, and its use of
external perspectives on strategic scientific priorities and on the
evaluation of other key policies, such as intellectual property, to
ensure that they continue to encourage the development and deployment
of new treatments.”
“While the restrictions on amending
the administrative structure of CIRM established in Proposition 71
had the advantage of protecting the institute’s ongoing operations
from outside interference in an ethically controversial arena, they
also made it difficult to modify the organization’s structure in
response to experience and/or changing circumstances. Moreover, these
protections, whatever their benefits, appear to some to shield CIRM
from the normal accountability mechanisms in place for state
Conflicts of Interest
“Far too many board members
represent organizations that receive CIRM funding or benefit from
that funding. These competing personal and professional
interests compromise the perceived independence of the ICOC,
introduce potential bias into the board’s decision making, and
threaten to undermine confidence in the board. Neither the board
chair nor board members should serve on any working group. The board
itself should include representatives of the diverse constituencies
that have an interest in stem cell research, but no institution or
organization should be guaranteed a seat.”
“The problematic perception of
conflicts of interest has persisted for as long as CIRM has existed.
The IOM committee would be less concerned about individual board
members with actual or perceived conflicts of interest if the board
membership included more truly independent members. The majority of
board members should be independent, with no competing or conflicting
personal or professional interest. Broader representation from a
wider variety of stakeholders will inject new perspectives into the
panel and will help to dispel the perception of conflicts of
“CIRM also should revise its conflict
of interest definitions to include non-financial interests, such as
the potential for personal conflicts of interest to arise from one’s
own affliction with a disease or personal advocacy on behalf of that
disease. CIRM policies for managing conflicts of interest should
apply to that broader definition.”
Structure and Governance
“Currently, the ICOC (the agency's
governing board) functions both as an executor and as an
overseer—competing duties that compromise the ICOC’s critical
role of providing independent oversight and strategic
direction. The IOM committee recommends that CIRM’s operations
be separated from its oversight. The board should delegate more
authority and responsibility for day-to-day affairs to the
president and senior management, and the ICOC’s three working
groups should report to senior management within CIRM, rather than to
the ICOC. The moves would permit the board to better focus its energy
and collective talent on strategic planning, overseeing financial
performance, ensuring legal compliance, assessing the
president’s performance, and devising a plan for preserving and
expanding its considerable assets to permit the institute to continue
its important work after the bond measures end.”
Unrealistic Goals
“While the latest round of awards
challenge teams to have filed a request to begin clinical trials or
to have completed early-stage trials in patients within four years,
the committee feels these ambitious goals are unrealistic. New
therapies take more time to progress to federal approval, and
early-stage clinical trials are beset by a staggeringly high
failure rate. Rather than judging success by simply tallying the
number of active clinical trials, the IOM committee suggests
that CIRM also continue its focus on underlying biological mechanisms
that drive the success or failure of a promising therapy and on
careful design of clinical trials. Advances in these areas will
help the entire field progress, even if a specific drug candidate
is not approved."
Economic Impact
“In the short term, CIRM’s
expenditures are supporting approximately 3,400 jobs and their
innovative efforts have also attracted substantial additional private
and institutional resources to this research arena in California
CIRM’s long-term impact on such critical aspects of the California
economy as state tax revenues and health care costs beyond the
shorter-term and temporary impact of its direct expenditures cannot
be reliably estimated at this point in CIRM’s history.... (T)he
estimate of the Analysis Group (2008) that the CIRM program alone
would support about 3,400 jobs as long as it was allocating about
$300 million per year in research and development grants appears
quite reasonable to the committee. To put this estimate in context,
however, total employment in California is roughly 16 million, and
NIH alone provides more than $3.5 billion per year to California
research institutions.”
Intellectual Property
“CIRM should propose regulations that
specify who will have the power and authority to assert and enforce
in the future rights retained by the state in CIRM-funded
intellectual property. CIRM should seek to clarify which state
agencies and actors will be responsible for the exercise of
discretion currently allocated to CIRM and the ICOC (the CIRM
governing board) over future determinations on issues regarding
march-in rights, access plans, and revenue-sharing rights that might
arise years after CIRM's initial funding period has passed.... (T)he
ICOC should reconsider whether its goal of developing cures would be
better served by harmonizing CIRM’s IP policies wherever possible
with the more familiar policies of the Bayh-Dole Act(federal IP law).
cirm managment,
Prop. 71,
Prop. 71 difficulties
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Upcoming Tomorrow Morning: IOM Performance Review of the California Stem Cell
The $700,000 Institute of Medicine
study of the California stem cell agency is scheduled to be released
tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The California Stem
Cell Report will have full coverage of the 17-month study, including
reaction from the stem cell agency and excerpts. Look for the stories
here tomorrow morning.
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