Sunday, January 08, 2006

California Researchers Forging Ahead with SCNT -- Among Others

Newsweek had something to say in its most recent edition (dated Jan. 16) on the impact of the Korean scandal on stem cell research in California as well as elsewhere.

Here are the most pertinent paragraphs in the item written Claudia Kalb and B.J. Lee:
"The Hwang debacle isn't stopping U.S. scientists. Nor are they starting from scratch. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)—the technique Hwang claimed to have mastered in humans—has already been accomplished in mice. If researchers can move it to people, they say SCNT will allow them to watch complex diseases develop in the petri dish, spot problems and then test drugs to fix them.
"The procedure, which requires human eggs, is technically daunting and only a handful of U.S. scientists have said they have plans to try it. Three from Harvard, who specialize in diabetes and brain and blood diseases, hope to start experiments soon. The biotech firm Advanced Cell Technology, in Worcester, Mass., says it's moving ahead again after shutting down in the wake of South Korea's supposed advance. Stanford says it's recruiting scientists to work on the procedure. And last week, Larry Goldstein of the University of California, San Diego, went public, telling NEWSWEEK that he and several colleagues now plan to pursue SCNT as well. A politically active stem-cell researcher—he fought hard for California's $3 billion initiative—Goldstein wants to use the technique to focus on the genetic underpinnings of Alzheimer's: 'It's a unique approach to understanding disease.'"

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