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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

CIRM Contracts with Fleishman PR Firm

The Fleishman-Hillard public relations firm has won a $115,000 contract from the California stem cell agency, according to odwyerpr.com.

The website said Fleishman bested five other firms: Burson-Marsteller, Weber Shandwick, Feinstein Kean, GCI Group and Wundermarx.

Odwyer reported that Ruby Barcklay, a senior vice president in Fleishman's San Francisco office, will be in charge of the account.

The contract includes "media monitoring, leadership media training, opinion leader research in the biotech and business communities, and high-level targeted media placement around the organization's leadership position in the field of stem-cell research funding," according to the report.

The odwyer site specializes in "inside PR news" and is partly free and partly paid.

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